Advice needed

After a few months of researching, I still don’t know what to do with my hair.

I’ve already written, I have long hair all over my body, a huge amounts of brown hair. However, they are very tiny. I’ve visited 2 places where they do permanent hair removal and electrolysis so far, and they refused to do it, I guess it’s because of the amount and structure of the hair. (tiny hair is more difficult to treat, I guess?) At one place they tried to convince me to remove hair with IPL. However, I found a clinic where they don’t mind treating such a large area as back, the problem is that I’ll have to travel more, but it is still an option.

Lately hair became so tiny, that when I try to pluck, it easily breaks. I am more than sure now that it is some hormonal dissorder, as last month I didn’t get my period, and this happens for the first time (no pregnancy). I am vising endo this week.

I am totally stressed out, as I don’t know what to do. So, please, suggest some method of removal. It will be such a slow and tiring proces with electrolysis. It doesn’t have to be permanent, a few months without hair is more then enough for me, I don’t mind them comming back then. I don’t want to shave/wax because of prickliness, nor to induce more growth (if it is possible to have more)…

Thank you.

After you meet with your endocrinologist and get a diagnosis and you want to continue searching for an electrologist, find one who uses fiber optic lighting. This lighting enables the tech. to treat even the finest non-pigmented hairs. You don’t sound like a good laser candidate.

If you don’t care how the hair is removed but do not want to shave or wax as noted in your post above, have you thought about threading or a depilatory?

I know you want the hair gone, but I really think it would be worth trying a combination of trimming and bleaching before you go for anything more drastic. If your hair is very fine and brown, it will probably bleach easily and likely it’ll stay blonde for a while, unlike coarser hair. The trimming will keep it from getting long and noticeable. Blonde fuzz looks totally natural and cute.

Also, if you shave or wax once in a while for a special occasion, it’s not going to be very prickly or difficult when it grows back. Fine hair usually grows back soft after a wax, and you should have a few weeks clear. It’s coarse hair that feels horrible as it grows in.

Hope this helps!

I would advise you to do no tweezing, plucking or waxing, as all those have the habit of causing darker, thicker, and more distorted hairs to grow back, and can even stimulate new hairs in adjacent follicles.

Your best bets, are shaving, or permanent hair removal, via electrolysis (assuming you can find someone good, who can see what you are talking about removing well enough to do good work.

I agree with James. The type of hair that you describe is a hair that lasts for a long time in the resting phase. For that reason, if you cut you will remain short enough time. If you shave, also take considerable time to grow, but the skin will not be pleasant to the touch.
On the contrary, if waxing, all hairs are in growth phase and the chances of ingrown hairs and distorted roots will be higher. Touching the skin is not pleasant after a few days of waxing.

Your best bet (until you find a good electrologist) is the haircut. The skin will not suffer and when you finish your electrolysis treatment, there was never hair look.

On the other hand, if excess hair is caused by a disorder in your body and not a genetic load, the chances of producing invisible hair again are high.