ADVICE NEEDED - Electrolysis

Hi all I have started my electrolysis journey. I am a 23 Asian female I would describe my hair as dark not very course but very visible and a lot of it. So far I have had 4 sessions I have noticed a slight difference but not enough to give me hope as of now. Now my problem is I am getting the lower part of my sides of face done. I have started to notice after every session when I return home there’s always patches of hair left and this is getting very frustrating. I go once a week for 2 hours!! I mentioned this to my electrolysis’s last week and she did seem happy at all that I was challenging her work. I just wanted to know if this is normal or if she’s just leaving random patches of hair on my face. By the way I live in the Coventry area within the UK so if anyone knows any good electrolysis’s please feel free to let me know.


What area are getting treated, Haylo? Pictures?

Hi Dfahey I am currently getting my under chin, chin and lower sides of the face. I would love to post pictures however I am new to the forum and do not know how to would you please be able to assist me on that.

It’s amazing how little hair canbe removed in 2 hours. I often sit down for 4-5 hour sessions, and work on a single area I don’t ever get to do my entire face an neck in one sitting because there is only too much to do.

Add to this, in order to treat all the hairs not only would I need 2-3 times the amount of time ( can you imagine the discomfort from 12-15 strait hours of electrolysis??!!?!) AND I would need to Load at least two types of probes and be ready to switch between , one for finer hair and one for thicker terminal hair.
Thing is hair does grow differently in different patches. I’m sure your electrologist is getting as much as she can in that 2 hour session, but it can be an overwhelming amount of work depending on how large an area you are treating and how much regrowth has come since the last time. Now it is possible to do a thinning approach and go evenly across the face, but it isnt possible to always get all the hair in a short amount of time.

There is a way to attach pictures to posts but I dont think it works all that well. What most here do is use a photohosting site like photobucket or imagur ( I use dropbox ) and just post the link here.


Yes I do agree with you, I guess I am new to this whole system. I am going to see her today in order to get a little bit more clearance. I had another enquiry, when would I know when a hair follicle has actually died, in what process does the hair have to be in in order for the treatment to be effective.

here is a link of a picture this is 1 day after treatment

So this is your face one day after treatment and you notice hair not treated.

She is scattering her work. She is not treating hairs that live close together. She is probably going after the thicker hairs first. All okay. Don’t worry. I cannot speak for her, so you will have to ask her about her strategy.

My strategy would be to clear any hair that is not a fine short hair. I believe that people need relief ASAP. A visually smooth face is exciting for those that have suffered through hair problems for too long. Even if you get cleared, fasten your seat belt and a don’t panic when the next hair growth cycle clicks in. Be prepared and expect anywhere between 8 and 15 clearings, spread out over 9-18 months because hair grows in cycles.

Thank you for the reply yes this is my face a day after treatment. I find she tends to work on the outer edges more. The hair that remains is fairly fine in nature but still very visible. Would you recommend that I opt for maybe a 3 hour session for full clearance and then attend weekly for an hour or so for maintenance?

Yep,Dee got it exactly right.And its about what I expected. Patience . It takes up to a year an a half or more to get all the hair. Give it time and persistent treatments and it will all disappear.Ty not to let your dysphoria over its existance get to you. Just keep up regular treatments and try not to stress over the mirror every time.You are making progress.
If you can afford 3 hour sessions, and both your electrologist and you are prepared todo that, then I say go for it. You’ll notice changes faster. Until the face is completely cleared, and you are just catching regrowth, there is always more hair to remove. It doesnt matter if you remove it no w or a week from now though.

thank you for the reply I guess patience is a virtue hey! Btw I have been strictly told by my electrolysis not to touch the hairs in between sessions i.e. no trimming or electric trimmer nothing. If I was to trim hairs between sessions would that be a problem?

I was told its ok to trim, just needs to be long enough to grab with tweezers

I had a word with Mary today she’s happy about the trimming but has said only trim if I really need to.

I’m fine with trimming.

When I was getting my electrolysis treatments done, I trimmed my hairs too occasionally…just as long as I did not tweeze or wax.

Cutting the hairs between treatments is acceptable . At least you are not tweezing them

I allow my clients to cut and to even shave as removing the hair above the skin does not do any damage to the hair follicle.

If you suggest to your therapist to works from cheek centre outwards removing the biggest hairs first. There is only a certin amount one can remove in 2 hours so if you could do 3 hours then she would be able to spend an hour and half on each side . your picture looks good and the extra hour would make all the difference
I hope this and all the other replies help you