Advice for upper lip hair

Hi, I’m French (sorry if I make any mistakes…), I know this forum thanks to a Spanish electrologist I contacted a few months ago (who also participate in this forum)
I’m 22 years old and I want to remove the hair on my upper lip.

I only bleach at least once a week, and I’ve never used waxing. One of the reason is my sensitive skin (I have cold urticaria, the reason why I think the laser is not recommended for me), so even when I wash my face I have sometimes redness around my nose (which subsides within 2-3 min).
And I think electrolysis is the only technique of hair removal which can help me to get rid of it.

My electrologist is a general practitioner, specializing in hair removal (electrolysis and laser). She has over 20 years experience for electrolysis.
I had my first appointment last week. She told me I should do electrolysis about every month for maximum up to 10 months (for reasons of hair cycle).
She also stated that she would apply an anesthetic cream 30 minutes before.
After waxing (15 minutes), she told me that she will apply a cream for the redness which will be lessened after 30 minutes.
She also told me that crusts will emerge and that the area may be red 1 or 2 days later. I have to put sunscreen and can hide the redness with makeup.

But I’m really worried about the side effects; I’m a student I can’t stay at home during a week!
I’m afraid that the crusts are much visible and the redness too. I wonder how long the scabs and redness will remain, when does the hair will grow back?
She didn’t talk about the after treatment (like the tea tree oil or aloe vera that I found out later in this forum). She just told me that I can hide redness with makeup. But chemicals (and even sunscreen)would not be harmful? And what about the soap (i always use bar soap)?
By the way, I have seen on other websites that may also appear swollen, is this true?

I have an appointment next week. I don’t know if I can use that for asking more questions or can I begin my “treatment”.

I really need your help, thank you.

You shouldn’t have to stay at home for a week. To be honest, the swelling and redness right after my appointments is terrible, and it’s humiliating taking the subway home afterwards. But it goes down within a couple hours. I have some red blotches for a few days that I cover with makeup. Scabs should be tiny dots that no one except you will notice. You might also get the odd whitehead, but they should go away in a couple days.

I try to book my appointments when I don’t have anywhere to be for the rest of the day, because I avoid wearing makeup the first day. You can always book your first treatment on a Friday or Saturday, stay in for the weekend, and see how you heal.

First appointments CAN BE the worst treatments. It all depends on hair density and hair structure. Most of my clients are able to face people without anyone knowing that they just had electrolysis. Some, who want first full clearance asap are warned that they will be swollen for a day or two and they accept that. Scabbing is not a PROBLEM. All of this talk is dependent on practitioner skill (and sometimes equipment and modality used) and things she/he can most likely control. For these beginning treatments, just go on a Friday or Saturday like newbie suggested. For certain skin types in these beginning sessions, I really like plain soap and water, witch hazel, tiny dabs of tea tree oil and cold aloe vera gel, the purest brand you can find.

I agree with others who recommend a Friday or Saturday appointment. Allow yourself the opportunity to see exactly how your skin reacts to your electrologist’s treatment, without attempting to rush back to work or to anywhere else and feeling pressured. Our own mental and physical stress can often cause these reactions to be more intense.

Thanks for yours answers!
As you suggested, I will try to book an appointment Friday. I’m also worried about how to take the subway home afterwards. Well, it’s just for a couple hours…
And I know that makeup is not recommended for 2 or 3 days, but what about the sunscreen? How many days will I have to wait to put on makeup? And what did you, newbie, put on for hiding red blotches? I’m afraid about the side effects after the treatment…
dfahay, can i use aloe vera gel for example just after the treatment, day and night?

I just went for my first treatment yesterday on the upper lip. I have been using Aloe Vera and dabs of Tee Tree oil. The area has tiny red dots but nothing a good make up wouldn’t conceal. I did not have any swelling and when I left her office you could hardly tell I had anything done it wasn’t till a few hours later that I had the tiny red dots form. I am glad I went on a sunday though and have today to heal up without going out to work etc. so I would advise scheduling it when you have the next day free and can lie low. I did have a full clearance so i imagine it is probally worse this time than it will be in the future. I say worse this time but to be honest it doesn’t look bad at all and if I had go out to work I could I am just choosing to lay off the make up today and leave the area heal.

I just use my regular foundation the day after treatment and it hides any redness still there. My boyfriend insists he can’t see anything a few hours afterwards, but we’re all way more self-conscious about our own faces. Everything depends on your skin, the practitioner, how much hair, etc. As for sunscreen, I’d just stay out of the sun for a few days after treatment if you’re concerned about the chemicals, or wear a hat.

All redness I’ve had when I was doing the upper lip would go away after a couple hours. You shouldn’t get any side effects if treatments are good…maybe a scab here or there, but nothing too noticeable or major. Definitely use witch hazel during the day and tea tree oil at night to speed up the healing process.

I don’t understand your comment about waxing? You don’t wax once you start electrolysis.

To newbie:you also need to put on sunscreen, isn’t it?
I’m not a girl who wears make-up much, just the eyes. So I think I need some advice about how to put on makeup, witch hazel and foundation if I need to go out 2 days later for example.

To LAgirl:I mean that I have never waxed or shaved my upper lip hair. So the hair is thin. After the treatment, when will it grow back? And will it be thicker?


One thing I am confused about - you say “After waxing (15 minutes)”, do you mean “After electrolysis (15 minutes)”.

Well, 15 minuntes of electrolysis is fine. I started off with 20 minute sessions every few weeks. Like you, I never shaved or waxed my upper lip hair. Only bleached it, which I continued to do. So the hair was fine in texture. It did not grow back thicker and should not. If you attend sessions regularly, the hair will only ever become less, never more, from this point onwards. The first few weeks of session, you will mostly be removing what is currently there. Then after some time you may still be removing some hairs that you can currently see, but also then the next cycle of hair growth that will come through.

I had blend performed on my upper lip and the only side effect was some temporary redness. It would be gone by the time I reached home 1.5hrs later.
If you have thermolysis, you may get some pin point scabbing but these should be very small and should drop off. If you have this method of electrolysis, do not pick them! Just apply witch hazel or aloe vera twice a day and after a few days or a week, they will begin to drop of themselves.

Immediately after electrolysis, my electrologist applies tea tree oil. This will prevent any whiteheads forming. Before I leave the salon, I myself apply some cooling witch hazel gel. This helps the area cool down and the redness reduce.
I apply tea tree oil once more before bed and continue with the witch hazel twice daily for a few days.

With electrolysis, you do not need to wear sunscreen if it is not part of your regular routine. But on the day of treatment and they day after if you need to, you should avoid the sun.

You should not need to hide the redness with makeup. It should not last so long.

stoppit&tidyup is correct. What hair regrows after treatment can be the same as before (hair that was entirely dormant and was not treated) but is much more likely to be finer and lighter than before.

The redness and puffiness only lasts for a couple of hours for me (I’ve been doing hour long appointments). And yes, getting home is a little embarrassing, but I’ve had weekend morning appointments and gone out the same afternoon or evening with no problem. I usually schedule appointments for after work or weekends so I can have some time to heal.

My electrologist says that it is ideal not to wear make-up for a few days but she knows everyone is going to do it anyway. She advises if you are going to wear makeup to try to hold off until the next day, and then use clean brushes and new makeup (less than 90 days old).

I have a pretty serious hair problem and am using makeup more to cover up the shadow as it grows and less to hide any redness from treatment–after a few hours redness is really quite minimal so if makeup isn’t part of your normal routine now, you really probably won’t need to worry about it.

I wash my face morning and night with my regular facial soap I’ve always used (Mario Badescou brand), and also use a witch hazel toner twice a day and spot treat with tea tree oil before bed.

I have had maybe one little scab and one whitehead (granted, I have only had three appointments so far). My skin has really done very well so far and I’ve been very pleased. I was plucking the hair prior to beginning electrolysis, and really tearing up my skin. I still feel self conscious about my face, but boyfriend says my skin looks better than ever now that I am not plucking. We are our own worst critics and I don’t think most people probably notice I am getting anything done.

I hope that helps!

yes, stoppit&tidyup, I mean “after 15 minutes of electrolysis”

By the way, yesterday I called the secretary of my electrologist to postpone my appointment. She told me that the appointment was taken with another electrologist, not the one I’ve met for my first appointment.(I don’t know what happened with all the secretaries working there…)

To be sure to be in good hands, I decided to keep the same electrologist. And due to my busy student schedule and the busy schedule of my electrologist, I have to wait until mid-June!!!

I’ll keep update u for any good (or bad) news!
And thanks for all your answers!
They really help me!

Hi everyone,

I’m sorry to not have you keep updated about my electrolysis treatment.

So I began in June and I generally get thermolysis done once a month for 15 minutes.
Well, “generally” because it’s really hard to get an appointment with my electrologist even 2 months before so I usually book one or two appointment a month taking into account my schedule.
Consequently, once a month except for july (2 treatments with a gap of 3 weeks) and the same last month. Until now, I had 10 treatments for 15 minutes and for 30 euros (and 35 euros since January). So 310 euros until now.

Before getting electrolysis done, I put emla for at least 30 minutes and even more sometimes, but it hurts so much!!! Especially in the middle of the upperlip! But drinking water before helps really!!!

She’s using a sequentium machine V… something I don’t remember.
After electrolysis, she puts on a mix of 2 cream: Fucidine (with acide fusidique) and another one which contains cortisone.
And there is swelling, redness and embarrassments on my way before I reach home!

I use the cream called Fucidine 2 times a day during 7 days and, if it’s sunny, sunscreen for 5 days. No other cream.
Scabs begin to appear the next day but it’s ok, not too noticeable.
My skin looks good after 5 days and I can feel swelling during 10 days. That’s why I take 3 weeks before taking another appointment. And I bleach my hairs 5 days after electrolysis and 8 days before electrolysis. And I hadn’t bleached for the last 2 months.

Finally, after 8 months, I’m really happy of the results. I think 3 or 4 treatments more and it will be completely clear.
By the way, I also get treated my eyebrows for 2 minutes since December. And I wanted to add my chin in the list but she said that is not useful and that I can have maybe a reduction but it doesn’t worth it.
Actually I want a reduction of my arms’ hairs but I’m going to talk to her about it next time.

Thanks everyone for your advice, electrolysis diary and Josefa, without her I would not have heard about electrolysis!!! And this forum is really great!

Hi Fay286

Congratulations, I am glad to know that you are happy with your treatment and everything is going great.

I am a little confused as to why your electrologist would say “that treating the chin is not useful and that you can have a reduction but it may not be worth it”.

Electrolysis can permanently remove hair from all areas of the face and body.

Yes I know electrolysis is permanent.
However seems like she doen’t want to touch this area…

I’m going to see another electrologist for my next appointment, maybe she will give me another answer.

Merci beaucoup Fay.

You know? if all electrologists in the world become an Oprah for a day, and each client tell his/her experience on the Internet. The Electrolysis would have the impact it deserves.


If there was a poll taken on what areas electrologists work on the most, I would venture to say the upper lip and chin would be rated number one and two. Whether the hair on your chin is numerous and fine or thick and scattered, your problem can be resolved nicely. We, electrologists, do this on a daily basis. What is the hair structure like on your chin? Can you submit a quality picture?

My appointment with another electrologist was cancelled at the last minute…
I would have liked to know what she thinks about my chin.

The hair on my chin is fine and numerous. I can’t submit a quality picture with my mobile phone camera.
If I find my camera, I would submit a good photo.

Hi Fay,

I live in Paris so I am french as you.

It is very hard to find an electrologist could you please give me the name of your ? Do you are satisfied with her ?

Thank you !