Hello all, I have had my go at ipl on my back, shoulders and back of neck, on the 20th of October. I asked her many questions but still not sure. I am a pretty hairy individual and my treatments will take many imo so cost and effectiveness is important. Just as a test I plucked some of the hair and noticed there wasn’t a follicle on the end of the hair and they came out very easy, most were like this and some looked normal and harder to pull out.
My hair type to her was 3, I have darker hair on the exposed skin to the sun but most of my body is quite white.
The name of the machine is Magic Skin Superior IPL treatment HS-300C, she used a gel. I done some research on it and it costs more than 20grand but you guys probably know best.
Here is the machine on their website, she told me the name Magic Skin but I find it odd there is no name like that on the back of the machine :\ http://www.wearnothing.com.au/spectrum-1200
Skintype 3
Energy 30 joules
My next session is on the 1st of December at http://www.elementsskinandbody.com/
qwerty Attachments
Is this pattern normal or just missed hair?
My shoulder
The Machine