about needles, anyone who knows

i am about to sue the electrologist that scarred my face and information on needles will help.the needle he used varies a lot from the ones my current electrologist uses and the ones i see in photos of various needle supply sites. the curious thing is that neither my electrologist nor anybody in the local supply market knows that type of needles. it was a very long, one-body needle, very sharp at the end, very similar to an ordinary big sewing needle .i told him that the needle he used seemed too large for my tiny pores and fine hair, but he said that it is a gold-ballet K2 size, the thinest needle one can get…i was still suspicious because it looked more like a big nail to me but having not seen an electrolysis probe in my life before i believed him and continued treatment. my skin is like having punctured with pits and enlarged pores. that’s why i am going to sue him.
are those type of needles i described used for electrolysis or is it used for something else?

Vanessa. If you are going to sue,you will need to hire an eert who can testify that the operator was negligent or fell below the standard of care for an electrologist. Normally the expert will be charging you his or her hourly fee to testify,confer with your lawyers or time at a deposition. Before filing suit and after engaging the expert you intend to use,have the expert make a 30 minute appointment with the electrolysis to have work done in the same area so the expert can support what you believe was wrong. It may be that you have an unusual skin problem and that he was not negligent. It would be nice to get the opinion of the expert before spending time and money to persue a non-meritorous lawsuit.

A K-shank probe, sized 2 microns is a legitimate electrolysis probe size and designation. If one has a machine that uses a K shank, however, it is a VERY old machine and probably has two foot pedals.

all probes people use whatever the size, K or F, comprise of a cylinder and a thin wire that is inserted in the follicle. how can a needle that looks like a long nail be a legitimate needle?

Then why did you continue to go? That is one of the prime pieces of advice given at this site: see as many as people, only go to who you feel comfortable with.

I would see a doctor before I begin a lawsuit. (If your situation is a problem and becomes costly, a lawsuit might provide compensation.) Scars sometimes take a while to develop so your skin might just need a break or some help.

Did you follow all aftercare recommendations and keep the treated area as clean as possible? Do you get a lot of sun or use soap often?

Maybe you can take a picture too, to show everybody on here what bad treatment looks like as well as receive help from the professionals of the site.

Everybody wants to (and is here to) help and we wish you luck.


I can’t understand how the insertions could be made with a probe that is more akin to a needle. It would puncture the skin so you would be in a lot of pain and the bad effects would be immediate.

I did a lot of research prior to starting my electrolysis regime and I’d never let anyone near me that used something that resembled a sewing needle.

Are you entirely sure? I don’t meant to question your integrity, but it sounds suspicious.

I have heard of electrologists buying thick probs and filing them into a more pointed sharp end, but I have never seen one do this, and have never seen the work that resulted. I can say however, the reason Ballet takes the time to polish their probes to a mirror finish is to make sure the probes slide and DON’T puncture the follicular wall.

Ouch, I’ve had a probe puncture the follicle a few times. It’s something one would notice for sure.