a question!

how does electrolysis help with acne!?

The following statement is from Acnenet.
Regardless of age, acne is a condition of the sebaceous glands. These glands are attached to hair follicles and produce an oily substance called sebum. An acne lesion forms when a hair follicle becomes plugged with sebum and dead cells.
This being the general cause of acne, it then makes sense that removal of the hair from the follicles and unplugging the pores will help get rid of the difficulty.
With Flash Electrolysis, you can reopen a pore by zapping the closed pore with the tip of the probe. Therefore the pore to remain open. Thermosis does the same thing but to a lessor extent as it coagulates the surrounding cells. The least effect just might be galvanic, as you are only inserting a probe and really nothing is done to keep the cells from reclosing the pores. Both thermosis and flash will have a major drying effect on the over-active sebaceous glands as well.
Anyway, that is my perspective on why at least Thermosis type of electrolysis is helpful. I will have to get out some of my books to refresh my mind on some of this however. Wonderful question.

Martha Montgomery
Puget Sound Electrology

I like your explanation, Martha.

When I work on people who have acne they report that they think their acne has improved and soon that are wondering out loud if that is because they are getting electrolysis.

I am working on my 17 year old son’s chin area and upper lip,doing some thinning because the lazy little boy only wants to shave every 3-4 days. He has facial acne, but the areas where I do microflash are remarkably calm.


Pssst, don’t tell them that the increased water drinking they might have done due to your nagging may have also helped the body to properly eliminate some of the toxins they had recently been secreating through the skin for lack of access to the preferred exits.