Welcome to HairTell…
I read your post and I feel that you may be so concerned about your hair that you have lost sight of who you want to make happy…
You should remove any or all hair if YOU want to… Do not be concerned about what women may think… two standing side by side could hold opinions from both ends of the spectrum… What if you meet a girl, get a tattoo with her name, and it doesn’t work out, you either have to find another girlfriend by the same name, or change the tattoo…
The most attractive thing to girls is self confidence… personality… If you are happy with yourself, then hair or no hair won’t matter to girls…
If you have an issue with your own self worth caused by the hairiness you mention, then look into having it treated, even temporally, to see how you feel as a smoothie…
I know some women prefer hairy men, some prefer smooth… other have no preference… Some don’t mind arm, leg and chest hair, but are revolted by back hair… Everyone is different, but the thing is, make sure you do it for you… the rest will follow in time…
Good luck,