Does your electrologist do the blend? I typically can permanently destroy a lot of hair with thermolysis in the first hair growth cycle,but when faced with many new, dark,deep coarse and curvey hair follicles that can be the norm for chin hair in the second hair growth cycle,I will switch to a nice slow blend when that second growth cycle happens about at the 3-4 month mark. I love blend for those type of hairs and they are usually wiped out for good. By the third hair growth cycle (in 9-12 months),it’s nit-picking some scattered hairs and then you are done.
You are not being ripped off,but any impatience with the plan you have had in motion for 4 months, and stopping when you can turn the corner on your stubborn chin hair very soon, will leave you nowhere or ripped off in another way.
I was very happy with your statement about talking this over with your electrologist. Many need encouragement as we get to the halfway mark with electrolysis. You’re right to keep that one year mark in mind - DON’T LOSE SIGHT OF THAT. The body puts many obstacles in our path as we try to get rid of hair that the body is programed to repair and keep. Your best bet is to stick with this and if your electrologist is ammenable to the idea of using blend for those stubborn chin hairs, in my opinion, that would be in your interest now. Thermolysis will still work for you, but the blend will get you there a lot faster.
This is just my take on things after hearing what you said. Your situation reminds me of clients I see in my daily practice of electrolysis. I see a lot of chin hairs, that look more like wires than hairs,and this strategy works very well for me. These chin hairs can have unbelievable root structures that must be broken down gradually in order to protect the upper skin,so going through a couple hair growth cycles to gradually reduce these “oak trees” to mere saplings that can then be permanently destroyed when they are smaller, makes sense. I think this is what your electrolgist is trying to do. Even if she doesn’t use blend, a couple to several passes with thermolysis will get you there,rachelle.
If you had complained that you have been going regularly for over a year and you had these gross chin hairs with little improvement,then you would want to search for a new electrologist or be suspicious of a changing hormonal climate within your body that keep targeting hairs on your chin. Four months isn’t three hair growth cycles, so don’t panic and despair. You really should see the end to all of this by a year’s worth of consistent treatments so ALL hairs can be caught and killed when they are in the proper hair growth cycle. There is no other way to do this permanently.