So, it’s been approximately 10 weeks since my last treatment on my shoulders and upper back. 18mm 16 J 3msec. And, I have a couple questions:
My skin definitely reacted to 18mm 16J. I still have some darker pigmented areas. After my treatment 10 weeks ago, it took over a week for the redness and bumpiness to subside. Pretty sure that’s not normal. But, is it more effective to go with these settings than say to switch to a Yag?
Hair is starting to grow. At the moment, what is growing is sparse and patchy. However, I feel like this is new hair in one cycle and there is a bunch more waiting to come up as well. So I guess, what type of growth should I expect at this point, 10 weeks after treatment? Hard to justify going in for another treatment right now. Or is there enough for the laser to target under the skin?
Is all the hair in the next cycle expected to grow in by 10 or 12 weeks?
What the heck can I do to make the transition from lower arms to upper arms to shoulders look natural? Right now it just looks terrible.
Im hesitant to treat upper arms and lower arms. Considering treating the upper arms. Definitely a lot of coarse hair mixed with finer hair. Thoughts?