I am a new member of the forum and I visited this site a few times before I plucked up the courage to register and even to post this message. I never realised that unwanted hair can generate such high emotions and applaud this website for the great job it does in supporting its members. I find it a bit sad and unfortunate that some individuals can be a little tactless and trivialise this issue, which is obviously a big thing for some otherwise they wouldn’t be writing for advice.
A case in point are my two grown-up daughters, who have often complained about the dark hairs on their arms. I can honestly say that I had never noticed, and still don’t think it’s that bad on either of them. They look at my arms and legs and see that it’s non-existent, which is how it is naturally as it is for my mother and my two sisters. Therefore, for my two girls, it wasn’t only the hair that they had themselves, it was also that they noticed what other female relatives DIDN’T have. My younger daughter started home waxing which has caused her arms to come up in red patches (she is prone to allergy breakouts). I have used an epilator on my legs and underarms for about 6 years and one day she asked if she could try it out. She then started using it regularly and I have recently bought her one of her own, which she also uses on her upper lip. My other daughter has also started using one. They are both now quite happy and after getting rid of the bulk of the unwanted hair, they find the discomfort is minimal for them.
QUESTION: I have recently plucked up the courage to rid myself of hair in my most delicate area, after years of wanting to do so, using my epilator. Does this make me a bit of a freak? Especially at my age - although I’m glad I did it and like it!!!
Sorry to be so long-winded!