a challenge to all those reading

Some of us have hair problems and laser/electrolysis is not an option because we either don’t have the money, are scared to do it because of stories of scarring, or are not good candidates for it. I would like to start this thread about how people with hair (or acne or hyperhidrosis or ingrown hair scars or laser scars or anything else they’re embarrased about) have actually had the courage to go out and date, or go the the beach, or laugh about their problem to others, confide in their significant other, or stand up to others who make comments.
I see a lot of threads where people empathize with those who don’t go out in public or date, and then they suggest saving up money for electrolysis/laser. Since we know these technologies are of no guarantee, and many of us will be stuck with this problem for life, how bout coming up with positive ways to deal with the problem mentally. And that doesn’t mean just being patient or wearing long sleeve shirts til the hair goes away, but actually having the guts to go out.

A couple of stories. I met a girl who doesn’t like shaving her legs and armpits. so she comfortably wears shorts and sleeveless shirts with hairy underarms. since she is confident and doesn’t care about it neither does anyone else. we all played co-ed sports and everyone thinks she’s awesome, because she’s a great person to be around.
I know another female who married a very goodlooking successful guy. While pregnant, she wore a dress that exposed her entire back, which was covered with dark hairs, but she looked happy and beautiful and her husband is madly in love with her.
I know some guys whose mom will thread her mustache in front of them and ask them if they think it’s cleared. they are nice guys who accept these things that women have to do to groom themselves.
And for those guys out there, while smooth men are attractive, i would prefer a hairy guy because he’d make me feel more like a woman. While women are judged a lot more on their looks, guys can get away with being less than physically attractive, but get lots of women by being confident. There is nothing hotter than a confident guy who can laugh about his own hairy legs or not give a damn about them. I have crushed on a bald guy because he was so confident. I have crushed on a short scrawny guy because he had such a confident personality. I have found young guys with grey hairs very attractive. For me personally, when it comes to guys, 80% is personality. and i find guys who are not mainstream attractive to be more attractive.

I hope other people will be encouraged to share their stories.

Thanks for sharing your stories. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />


this is funny stuff. Such a goofy problem… to think some girls actually think I’m a good looking guy — I ought to go on some Duece Bigalow rampage some time and then take pictures of their surprised reactions once I take my shirt off… i just won’t show it to little kids.

Yeah I dunno people just need to suck it up. Also, be understanding of people and their superficiality if you can… don’t blame the gal who doesn’t dig your back hair - just let it go. I would imagine psychologically ppl with physical flaws like these might be on the extreme ends of relationships (e.g. the stereoype of the abusive husband with the unibrow). At the same time, if you don’t lose your cool, and you can control your emotions/desires until the right person or opportunity comes around, you could be extremely good/lucky with relationships.

And who said it’s no good if someone likes you for your money? C’mon thats another variable in the equation, take advantage of it if you can… power can be very attractive, and it is not necessarily more fake or real than looks or friendliness or anything else imho.

Just be good, that’s all.

reading this just made me happy about my hairyness…but unfortunately i’ve been made fun of my hair and have been embarrassed too much that this can’t even help me. still, thanks for the stories. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

Hi tooembarressed

Having now qualified as a doctor I understand a lot more about life. Every day I see sick and suffering people and sometimes as I hold and old persons hand while they slowly die I hear a lot about how they wished they could have done things differently. Hair is not an issue it’s a condition and a choice. If you want to stay hairy so be it! Let the whole world laugh if they want. I am a male and I shave my legs every day, nobody even notices. There are many men with hairless legs in the world who don’t shave. My own grandfather had no leg hair at all. Every day that goes by that you don’t do what you want to do is a day lost from your life. Since age 16 I wanted to shave my legs, but I was also embarressed. What a waste. Now for the last 5 years I have shaved every day and I always wear shorts - guess what, no problem at all.

Hope this helps.

Not to take away from the point of this post since I completely agree with the superficiality of the problem, but just to clarify: having absolutely no money for this is one thing, but thinking that electrolysis or laser are not effective permanent solutions no matter what is really not true. I have had my problems eliminated thanks to both and at not such a high cost, especially spread out over 2 years.

Personalities are still the most important things when looking for relationships, however the first impressions often rule this present pretty superficial world, especially in the US. I have to say that when I lived in Europe, this is one of the big differences I have noticed in people’s interactions. Looks are really secondary on average and personalities shine.