A bit off the Hair topic, but I needed to vent

I’m feeling worse than normal today. I saw my eldest sister for the first time in months and as expected, she asked me why I was wearing a turtle neck. Of course, I’m already drained from this same question a billion people ask me on a regular basis, as it is a reminder of the issue I’m currently dealing with. If I didn’t wear anything, I’m sure I would get the same stares and questions, so I try to cover the area to feel less exposed and less self-conscious. It’s hard for myself to judge the severity of the situation, because I don’t see the same others see, but it doesn’t change how imprisoned I feel.

Anyways, I was honest and told my sister about my situation…. And she literally stood there and laughed in my face. I should have known better, as she has always found something to nitpick about and it is usually my weight. Instead she made me feel like a joke for a female.

I feel so angry. So angry I just spent the majority of the day taking care of her children and taking her little girl to a clinic to get examined for alleged sexual abuse, as her mother posts on facebook that she is bummed that she got stood up on a date. Actually, I don’t feel angry for what I did, but angry that she is so heartless. This is a bit off topic for this forum, so I won’t go on about too many details, but I needed to vent, because after such a difficult day, that just kind of tipped me off the edge!

I can offer a hug, and that I wish I could give you treatment that made you feel like you did not need to wear a turtle neck when we were done.

I offer a big hug as well, and hope that your having a better day today.

Some people dont understand how much this can affect one person.

All my empathy is going out for you. You certainly deserve it.

Thank you for the support everyone. I’m sorry, I was a bit off my rocker the other day with everything going on. I’m not sure how to handle situations as such and I’m not sure why I unleashed my family drama on here. It was a bit inappropriate. On the hairy side of things, I’m still working on getting that taken care of and I really hope that I can post something more positive soon. You guys have been great!