770 Prowave by Cutera - experiences?

Hi there! So excited to find this board!

I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about this laser? It’s kind of late, I guess, because I’ve already paid for a package on my (coarse dark) chin through a local dermatologist. She came well-reviewed and I am very happy with her communication, honesty, and experience. I was going to go with a medspa with a Lightsheer, but didn’t like their attitude as much. The dermatologist says that this is an excellent laser and she gets great results with it. I couldn’t find any reviews positive OR negative of it, but it’s approved by FDA, so… Wish I’d found these boards before committing, but I’d still love to hear what others have to say (in case I should be bracing myself to pay for another package with a Lightsheer… :cry:

I guess I’d also mention that I think I’m a “type 3” skin.

It’s an IPL, not a laser…

It can basically be set from 770nm to 1100 nm to “mimic” alexandrite, diode or Nd:Yag. Pulse width is automatic, depends on which mode is used, and is not adjustable (nor published on their website).

Even though it’s an IPL, you still need to be treated at high settings. As for IPLs go it’s generally viewed as one of the better ones.

All machines are approved by the FDA. It’s irrelevant - FDA doesn’t test for efficacy.

This is an IPL. It’s not the worst one out there. The most important thing is whether your hair is coarse enough in the first place for either IPL or laser treatments. If it’s not, it’s not going to work and can induce MORE growth. So you need to decide that first. Better to get a refund if you have too few hairs or most of the hair is fine, and go with electrolysis. I’d only go with this if you have relatively large patches of dark coarse growth and they can avoid touching any areas around then when treating.

I do have dense coarse growth - coarseness, IMO, similar to a man’s beard. I have to shave it every day - it’s too coarse for waxing.

I guess I’m really confused now - the dermatologist calls it a laser and her website lists it as a laser. So it’s not one? Does an IPL work as well as a laser?

I find a lot of places that call IPL laser but it stands for Intense Pulse Light and there is a bit of info about it in the FAQ section of the forum. In LAgirl’s signature of every post there is a link for the Laser FAQ thread. Lots of great stuff there.

Be cautious, as LAgirl says, as there are lots of reports of induced hair growth on the face with these machines. It is for that reason alone that I am doing laser elsewhere but electrolysis for the facial hair I want removed.

Please read the FAQs at the link below. It explains the difference. If they know how to use the machine and the hair is actually coarse and dense, you should get some results. Just have reasonable expectations. Most need to finish with electrolysis to be 100% hairfree. But it will kill most of the coarse hair.

Thank you all!

I have to admit I’m feeling kind of disheartened now… I was hoping I’d be doing better by choosing the dermatologist office. And the thought of getting electrolysis is horrifying to me - I tried two sessions some years ago and found the pain absolutely agonizing - and my skin looked freakish for a week afterward.

Wow, how I wish I didn’t have this problem.

And now after reading the FAQ, I’m feeling even worse. I paid $750 for a package of 4 treatments, and I’m probably going to need 6-8. I am so frustrated right now. Especially because I thought I was taking the smart route.

If I don’t see good results with this, is there any reason I can’t just switch to the medspa with lightsheer? I don’t want to buy another expensive package if it’s not going to work. I’ve had 2 treatments so far and not much change. Though my last treatment was only a week ago, so I’m hoping to see some improvement next week (though after reading through this info, I’m not so optimistic).

  1. For facial hair, you should be waiting around 6-8 weeks between treatments. The hair that was treated should shed 3-4 weeks after your session. It’s too early to tell whether your treatment last week was successful.

  2. Re pain. Electrolysis shouldn’t be excruciatingly painful, nor should adverse skin effects last than more than a few hours to a day or so post treatment. You should have consults with different electrologists to be sure of their competency and knowledge.

Yes, the dermatologist has me waiting 8 weeks between treatments, so that seems ok…

In terms electrolysis, the woman I went to had something like 20 years of experience, so I was really shocked at how badly it went. I had these reddish black dots all over my chin for at least a week after each treatment - they were impossible to cover with makeup, and made it look like I had stabbed myself with a sharpie all over my chin. It was so embarrassing. There is a woman in the area where I live now who has been here since I was a teenager (I’m 38 now), and who won the “best skin treatment” award in our local ratings magazine. I’ve thought about going to her, but I’m so scared of the pain…

Thank you btw once again to everyone who is taking time to answer - it’s so great to finally have somewhere reliable to ask questions!

I would run a search here to find electrologists in your area. (You could also post on the electrolysis forum). Facial hair is notoriously difficult to treat, and even after your IPL treatments there is every possibility you will have to follow-up with electrolysis if you want complete clearance. (The same would be true with laser as well).

If you get flash thermolysis, for example, the treatment per follicle is relatively quick, as is whatever sensation you feel from it. In my experience it is extremely tolerable. You can always get just one or two zaps at a consultation to see how your skin reacts.

Good luck!

I would suggest that you find somebody with Apilus epilator. I had very painful experience with another device and user dfahey (who herself is electrologist) recommended that I find somebody with that device.

All I can say is that there was a world of difference in terms of how everything felt.I did not use numbing cream, no did I take pain killer prior to that treatment and I was fine.

I hope this helps and I hope you can return your laser package. I’ve seen enough evidence on this board to never try to attempt to treat any part of the face with laser.

As with laser, you also need to visit several electrologists and pick a good one to get results and without any side effects. That goes for everything. They can have 20 years of experience doing bad electrolysis. Number of years means nothing a lot of times. I had great electrolysis with someone with 2 years of experience and bad with someone with 10. Sampling is key.

I would finish your 4 treatments and then switch to electrolysis. At that point, any remaining hair will be too fine for laser anyway.