4 months into electrolysis - have some questions


I have been getting electrolysis done on my face and neck for the past 4 months (once a week for 30-45 mins) and I have still not had a full clearance. I always feel like there’s too much hair for the time of each session but my skin can’t handle more than an hour. For successful results, must my electrologist complete a full clearance or is it fine if she tries to get as much as she can done? Since this all new to me I don’t really fully know what I need to get done for me to finish with electrolysis in 1-2 years.
Any advice on what course of action I should take next? Or is this method fine as well?

I like full clearance, but for some cases this may be unrealistic. I can’t see your face, so I’m assuming that shorter appointments are best for you, especially since you verbalized that your skin can only take so much. You will still be successful, but it may take longer? If you tweezed or did any kind of pulling before you started electrolysis, that may frustrate you as the groups of hair appear over the next 4-6 months.

Just remember not to pull out the hair while you are receiving electrolysis. No sneaking in a tweeze or two or you will never see permanent hair removal with electrolysis.


I really did not want to tweeze a single hair but with the pandemic I tried to hold out for as long as possible before doing so. I didn’t want to shave as I was worried it would cut and potentially even stimulate peach fuzz to grow darker (Side: I recently got a check up and the doctor said I probably have PCOS, the reason I don’t know for sure is because my hormone tests came back normal).
I will be going back to electrolysis next week but I am still worried as the virus is still present and I do want to take precautions by wearing a mask, but if I do then my electrologist won’t be able to treat my chin and the area around it. I am unsure if it’s a good idea to go because of this (my electrologist will be wearing a mask and gloves though), but the hair growth is really really bothering me and I don’t want to prolong this process any further.