I’m 35yr old male who like most males in this forum have been suffering from excessive hair . I believe I am a victim of laser stimulation growth from over 10 years ago.
My hair has become more coarse and scattered to my inner arms where no viable hair was ever seen.
I plan to bite the bullet and try electrolysis . Areas I am attempting are upper arms, shoulders and full back.
I have found only a few specialized electrologist in my area and use fairly old
Machines like Sterex thermolysis and hinkel . At one of the clinics I have two electrologist working on my back using a mix of blend and thermolysis .
So far in 20days competed:
5hr on Upper Arms (thermolysis)
4hr Upper Back (1session 2 electrologist)
The plan of attack is to clear one section at a time and attack re growth. I feel I always
Plucking but occasionally I feel a slight jerk when hair is pulled out and leaves what looks like skin pointing out the follicle. I have very dense hair so we mainly attacking the course hair first.
My Questions:
- I will try and post some pics but I would really like some advise if I am getting a good job done. Is the red dot scars look normal ? How long will they take to disappear?
- Both my electrologist leave me feeling little hesitant about the whole thing because they say all of the hairs will come back the first time. I was under the impression that I would see at least a 50% reduction on long term untouched hair. Also by 3rd clearance at least I should see 95% reduction. With the amount of hair I got I can’t afford to retreat each hair 3+ times . Surely some hairs I have treated would be gone in first clearance ?
- I know that old machines used in the right hands is just as effective as machines like Apilus . But would I be better off using those machines as far as kill rate and speed ? Can the Apilus really treat 2,000 hairs per hour ?
- How important is probe size in my situation? Can anyone recommend best suited for my coarse hair? Could I use the same probe on finner hair with more kill rate ?
- Is it true if I keep treating the same hair over and over 3+ times will it cause major damage ?
I really appreciate you guys for any help on the long journey of mine. I will post some pics shortly thanks