Electrolysis ALWAys works. That is, if you arent doing something wrong! I honestly dont think this is a hormone related issue. It IS an issue with your treatment.If you do have a concern over hormones, see a doctor. They can take a blood tet and tell if something wrong. But way back in this thread Jossie said something VERY important. Something you NEED to listen to. You were asked if you felt the hairs being removed. And you said yes.
THAT IS THE PROBLEM! it means the hair follicles were not sufficiently treated to provide a smooth - traction free extraction. This is critical to performing electrolysis. If the hairs are undertreated, you WILL feel it and in all likelihood the hair will grow back. Nothing else needs to be said.
Unfortunately, there are a number of , to nborrow a phrase from Michael, zapperettes who have been taught to UNDER treat hair. The end result is, that the clients dont get sufficient treatment and the hairs grow back.
Let me use a very personal comparison. About a year ago, I started electrolysis with some students. They tended to undertreat. I felt the hairs coming out. I paused after about 12 hours of electrolysis and didnt start up again until the start of october when I finally got the equipment together to work on myself.To put this in perspective, although i had had laser, I had a full, and thick male beard. I’m a MTF transexual.
Today, six months later, I’m doing a little bit of cleanup. I get the odd stray hairs which I treat regularly.I put a LOT of work into my face. But 7 months after really beginning treatment, I’m almost done! I’m mostly workign to satisfy my own fussiness over getting EVERY LAST HAIR. But here’s a key thing I did, I made sure EVERY LAST HAIR got sufficient treatment energy.
3 years, with no progress, is unacceptable! after a year you should have been screaming! it is NOT that your skin is different. It is not hormones. It’s undertreatment!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE listen to what the professionals are telling you, they are too polite to scream undertreatment, but I promise you they are thinking it. There is NO HAIR that cannot be treated. You need to see a diffferent electrologist, one that takes pride is getting EVERY LAST HAIR and will hunt them down like they are the demon.