i have a question. at the moment i am trying to find a good electrologist here in austria.
yesterday i was at a woman.
i read a lot about electrolysis here, but never heard what she swais.
she says that it is important that the hair on the area i want to be treated hasn´t been sheved, epilated etc. for 3 MONTH! she says that after three month hair has grown long enough and developed a tip/peak/forefront (not sure what it is in English, i apologize). she says that hair can be killed best then.
is this true? here i read all the time that it is the best to treat hair with electrolysis as soon as possible after it appears. that is clear the area one time, and then treat all the hair that comes back???
what is true? can you help me?
PS: you can answer in normal English, i understand it much better than i can write it
thanks for your help and for that forum, we dont have somethink likewise here.