2 months post electrolysis, will i live with this shit for life?

Im so done. I didnt have a single mark on my belly Before. This is the result of 6-7 sessions. What should i do? Plus hair are growing back. Should I wax ? Idk this makes me Incredibly depressed.

Refer to your first thread where we explained, from our professional and experienced point of view, that this is a normal skin reaction that will heal and resolve completely. I can even see some healing progress already.

Electrolysis will be the only permanent solution for removing these hairs. You may be able to find an electrologist who can provide a gentler treatment, but I would recommend that electrolysis is not the right treatment for you due to its negative impact on your mental health. You may need to only rely on temporary hair removal like waxing or shaving.


I did 6-7 sessions and hairs are growing back from the spots

Step 1. Let this heal
Step 2. Never do electrolysis again. Honestly. I think that given your previous posts you would be better off with another form of ā€˜permanentā€™ hair removal.

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What do you think was the issue? Do you think it will completely resolve?:frowning:

It will resolve, but your nervousness around electrolysis and the skinā€™s healing processes will not. . The problem is with youand not the treatment. All we are seeing here is discolouration from post inlflammatory hyperpigmentation. . Until you are able to see that the skins healing processes work, you will not be mentally prepared for te process and it will continue to cause you anxiety. Iā€™m not quite on the ā€œyou should never do electrolysis againā€ bus, but itā€™s close. Stick around and learn. Look at others who have had similar results and how it turns out long term. Until you are comfortable with the process though, the others are right, you should not do electrolysis.
You ask what the issue is? The issue is not understanding the skins healing processes, over reacting to normal treatment manifestations, and this causing you anxiety as a result.

Iā€™m a poor psychotherapist, so Iā€™m not going to try and be one here.