~100 units of lye too much? How high have you gone without scarring?

Over the course of my treatments my electrologist has increased the units of lye typically used from around 65 to now around 105 (0.9mA 11 seconds). I’m just curious what some of you all think, as the Hinkel charts seem to advise 80 UoL being sufficient. I think even at 80 some of the hairs on my neck/face were still resisting. I don’t seem to react badly and the redness from treatment doesn’t linger longer. than a couple of days. Single needle galvanic with an isobolend insulated probe btw. Oh and I’ve done a full course of laser on my facial hair which I have read on here can sometimes be cause for more difficult releases.

Are you getting blend done or single needle galvanic? In either case you should not use 100 units of lye because you do risk scarring in long term. Prolonged exposure to Very high units of lye causes white spotting /hypo-pigmented scarring.

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