DC flood-out is very real indeed.
I will delve into this topic, but can’t do it justice in a few written lines (that virtually nobody will read).
But consider the difference between grammar and the spoken language. Language came before grammar. Grammar was developed ONLY to help people understand and learn a language that was already being spoken. Similarly, those are the “units of lye” charts, etc.
The charts, formulas and computerized features have removed from the operator what the fingers and eyes once clearly understood. Indeed, grammar does have its place … but then the language should become second-nature; an instinct.
Think about this: when you speak your native language, you NEVER think about the grammar rules. And, that concept will be the basis of a video when I’m back up and running.
Imagine if you were forced to make a sentence diagram each time you spoke a sentence. Silly. And, making people compute “units of lye” and follow arbitrary rules that were only designed to guide you, is equally silly.
Topping my list of “silly,” is the infernal “beeping” that some machines make. The beep was designed only as a guide, but some electrologists think the beep indicates a perfectly epilated hair.