I wish you would change your mindset about this. I still feel like you should see a specialist like James in the states. If it’s money, save up. If it’s time, skip your yearly vacation and go get treatment instead. This is a very important decision that can seriously change your life.
Things you’ll get by going to a specialist:
-No worry about scars or skin damage
-Knowing that you will absolutely get permanent uniform reduction after just one full clearance
-Quick recovery time of your skin (took me only two days until my face looked “normal”. slightly puffy face, red spots and red marks that looked like ingrown hairs from shaving, but normal.)
Also, like you, I had a heavy beard. I mean I could grow a thick beard, had a shadow right after I shaved, and the hair was growing high on my cheeks. Also my skin’s sensitivity sounds similar to yours as well. Marks staying on the skin for long periods of time, not forever though.
I’m writing this bc I want to help. If it’s not money or time that’s the problem, I guess I can understand. But even then, you shouldn’t let anything stop you.
Good Luck.
(also, its a good idea to do it under your chin first. I’ve read too many stories on here about people’s lives being ruined by electrolysis)