Unfortunately other than one person who I’ve corresponded with online(great results but still patchy after 1 day of not shaving), I don’t personally know any males that have had all of their beard removed successfully and can attest to the outcome years later. I do hope some others can chime in and share their experience dfahey. Viewing more actual photos I think is the only thing that will allay a majority of my concerns.
EE and Seana, I agree, laser seems better suited for other parts of the body or a scraggly beard. Doing it on a dense full beard where you can still see a shadow right after a clean shave, leaves high potential of looking awkward for months or years to come(until fully addressed) at best. Still not totally opposed to it, but would only consider once I’m comfortable with an electrologist and the rate at which they are actually killing the hair.
How long did it take for you to learn to do blend on yourself Seana?(I have other areas on the body I’m interested in addressing as well).
Just to be clear I’m a male, I brought up the hormones topic because that always seemed to be the stigma whenever I’ve entertained the idea of beard removal to others in the past. That “it doesn’t work for guys” or “it only works on TS/TG because they are on hormones” ect. I know now that’s not necessarily the case. Again, I’m hopeful of tremendous improvement, but I’m taming my expectations that I’ll get to a point where I can say I “never have to shave my face ever again”.
I agree, getting started now by evaluating various practitioners with short sessions is the first step.