Post Treatment:
There are no post-treatment regimens associated with PPx Therapy. So once your treatment is done, you are free to resume your normal activities.
that is from the Aesthera website.
are they saying it is ok to lets say go tanning after my treatment and that it is no problems ?
I would not go tanning right after an Aesthera treatment, and I am an avid sun worshipper! I would wait at least two weeks and after that use a sunblock for another two weeks.
After having tried a number of different laser/IPL devices on my beard I have come to a few conclusions:
The Aesthera did nothing for my beard, although I did get some reduction on my lower legs. That leads me to believe that the Aesthera does not work very well on coarse to medium hair. My practitioner told me that other clients have said the same thing.
The Quadra was mediocre. Some reduction of the beard but a lot of redness compared to the amount of reduction.
The Prowave 770 is the best IPL. It feels more painful, more like a laser and it has done an excellent job on the beard, comparable to the Lyra-i laser. It has done more than any other device in removing the patchiness. And there was not a lot of post treatment redness and swelling. I think one reason for that is the cooling system that it uses.
The Sciton and Lyra-i lasers are still very good and I think are best for the beard area. The Prowave 770 would be a close second, maybe just as good. After 2 months I will be able to tell about regrowth. So far so good.
The Prowave 770 also did very well on my lower legs. All I have to do is run an electric over my calves and they feel totally smooth for several days. After that I feel a small amount of stubble but not very much. I could easily shave once per week with no problem. But I like the bare feeling of having no hair at all. Looks like my legs are ready for spring and summer!
I had 3 treatments with the Harmony on my upper legs and they have done extremely well. On some parts of my thighs there is zero hair, and that’s what I want. On the third treatment we used the SR handpiece with shorter wavelenghths and pulsewidths. It is more aggressive than the HR handpiece but the skin on my thighs is not as dark so it was workable. I have a few superficial scabs but it is well worth it to get rid of the hair.
I wanted to try the Aesthera on my arms, where the hair is finer, but my practitioner has not decided whether to get that one or not.