One touch is way way long gone. I think I might still have the makeshift probe holder lying around as a backup but that’s it.
Haven’t actually added thermo yet! sorry if that wasn’t clear.
Have a little circuit diagram in lt spice drawn up for it and a mouser cart full of parts for it I’m going to order soon (mouser is an electrical component store)
It’s going to be 13.56 mhz couldn’t find any solid evidence of 27 mhz being superior.
I’m trying to remember what timings the Arduino pulse generator I’m going to make with one of its outputs is capable of doing but it’s been a minute since I researched that, I think it can do down to 1000ths of a second at least.
Will have to redo the DC circuit as it needs to be re-enforced against RF interference from the thermo circuit or the microcontroller and the nifty stuff it does will be messed with.
I might actually buy a used machine so I have one that I know works to learn/compare with. My blog addresses this though, for the fun of it! Though I’m still currently only in $60 or $70 on this so not price wise, timewise probably, but it’s fun.
I’ve been going with the spread out vs area clearing method which makes it hard to tell but I did clear out a small patch on my front chin and one on my sideburn for this purpose and they both haven’t had any regrowth and it’s been 5 or 6 months.
Area under my chin where I first started practising has of course had some regrowth. The oopsies I made on the bottom of my chin while learning have all disappeared though, kinda hard to scar yourself with DC I think.
Currently my hair kill counter says 3050 but there was around 1500 to 2000 on it before it got reset when I changed things. So 5000ish out of worst case 40k hairs(think 40k is worst case?), so I’m getting there lol.
Current job requires my face to be pretty at all times which is the biggest impediment to my progress on this. Planning on taking a week off sometime and just binging out on hair killing.