my experience- bad results on face, great on body

As an electrologist,I see many clients who come to me POST laser treatment on their face asking for help to remove hair! I have not heard any complaints that laser has aged them. Occasionally, ex-laser clients complain about having more hair than when they started laser hair removal,but never have I heard complaints that it caused them to age.

I can not find any published data to support the correlation between laser hair removal on the face and premature aging. Perhaps there are no clinical studies being conducted at this time?? I will keep searching, though, since it has been a concern for some and has got me wondering. If you have the time and desire,Equinox, perhaps you could try to contact the FDA via e-mail to express your observations. Maybe your experience will spurn some clinical trials on this matter. I haven’t been to that site in a while, but they must have a consumer section where you can post your concern. The FDA has cleared lasers for hair removal, that doesn’t mean they approve and bless lasers for hair removal.

It has been said many times, that all appears safe for the use of lasers for unwanted hair, however, not enough time has passed to know everything about the good and maybe the bad of repeated laser hair removal on the skin cells. It’s a relatively new frontier that needs constant vigilance to assure that nothing is going wrong. The one thing we humans can not speed up is time, and it will take time to understand lasers benefits as well as its pitfalls.


Okay,I had a few extra minutes and went to the FDA website.

Here are some addresses:

Another is:

This is something called Med Watch. It is an online reporting form (3500) for consumers with concerns.

Equinox,you may want to try this avenue. The FDA is a very complicated place receiving a lot of e-mail daily, so good luck. Even if they don’t respond to you,I’m sure your comments will be registered and noticed.


You can check this out:

This site is for comments and feedback at The Center For Devices and Radiological Health. Click the consumer comment button and write away.

Hairtell is a great “come together site” for sharing observations on hair removal,but your questions are good ones and worth investigating. I guess the FDA is a starting point,I just hope a real person at the FDA can give you some feedback or lead you to places or persons that can answer your questions. We just need to go beyond hairtell for these answers. I’m also curious to see if others post similiar experiences as Equinox describes.


when those clients suffering from unsuccessful laser treatments come to you, how long has it been since their last laser treatment? because i think it takes at least 6 months to notice any skin such skin damage.

Hello Vanessa.

It varys. It is usually anywhere from 9 months to 2 years. It is unusual to see someone a couple months afer,as I think they are still trying to pay off the credit card after laser and are not ready to jump into electrolysis???

Here are some cases that are fresh in my mind. I am working on a 32 year old woman’s upper lip. She had 8 laser treatments with very little results and it’s been almost a full year since her last laser treatment. A lady who had her arm hair removed over 2 years ago has come to me for total removal of any hair that remained. She is very happy with her laser results and all does look great. It took me a little under an hour to remove what hair remained on just one arm. She was pleased with her limited laser results, but was not pleased with the $3,200 price she had to pay for laser treatment.

I could go on with other examples, but would have to go through my charts to be more precise with times and whether the full prescribed treatments were complied with by the client.

I am not doubting you or Equinox. I am not challenging what you are asking. I, too, am curious and want to put the pieces together about what could be going on. I am always trying to figure out what is scientific fact verses marketing hype and it does disturb me when there is lots of money passing hands because scientific fact (and ethical behavior) can be pushed aside and covered up real fast if it interfers with the money gain.


i am not saying you are doubting us. in fact, the more clients you could report with the longer time since their last laser treatment, the happier you would make me.


Can you email me? I want to ask you some things in private.
I’ve created a completely secure email address for our transaction.

Please send me an email.