Thanks Vickie! I’ve just started seeing the (thankfully) local gender identity psychotherapist, so I’ve a long way to go in this process. Of course everybody by now knows I’ve begun electrolysis I definitely have a strong feminine facet, and surprisingly the male side isn’t having any problem with this. I think it would be a relief to let the male side go. Although I don’t have the feeling of being a “woman trapped in a man’s body” (not quite, anyway), I am inclined to give reign to my feminine side, more so as time goes by and I become more accustomed to something I didn’t even know nine months ago. Interestingly, my GID therapist says that a lot of TGs don’t become aware of their status until middle age. Most curious. I might guess it’s the folks who don’t suffer from severe GID, or who have successfully suppressed the feminine for decades. Heck if I know.
I appreciate the offer of information and referrals, and I’m sure I’ll be contacting you. My therapist refers to an endocrinologist in NYC whom she considers in the top ranks of the profession. We’ll see, when/if the time comes.
What I don’t know about are the other TGs in this area, support groups, etc. Cornell has an active LGB community whom I’ve sort of tapped into, but it’s 99% students, and I’d love to have contact with TGs outside that peer group.
Best to all of us,