Shaving is a selection aid. A day or two after one shaves, the electrolysis practitioner can easily see which hairs are growing and which hairs are shedding and can treat growing hairs only. Shedding hairs may be plucked for visual purposes, left alone, or treated if the hair remover runs out of growing hairs in the area.
On the pricing, the logic used in the industry is that a 15 minute appointment is never 15 minutes long. There is the time greeting the client, the time setting up the appointment, the prep time, the treatment time, the post treatment time, and the client chit chat time (I have clients who simply won’t leave until the next person in line arrives to demand their spot, and if they both know each other, they start talking to each other!) In the end, the truth is that it is almost impossible to book four 15 minute appointments, back to back, and finish them in one hour.
You may want to discuss their willingness to give you a deal on pre-paid treatments, that would be charged to you at the hourly rate, no matter how the minutes ended up being used. Many practices are willing to do this, as the pre-payment gives some security for the time paid for.
The other side of you can’t book four 15 minute appointments and get them all done in an hour is the point of how many of those appointments will be no-shows, and how many of them will show up late.
As a good friend of mine said: “We are in the business of selling our time, and our time, once taken off the shelf, cannot be put back on the shelf to store for future use, or resold to anyone else.”