My Electrolysis Journey On The Upper Lip.

It’s not unusual to get more reaction and side effects for the first couple treatments and then things calm down. If your electrologist scatters her work,doing every third hair or so, and the treatment levels are refined you should be flying high soon. The aftercare is the second part of the story. No ointments. Use aloe vera gel and ice right after and a little dab of tea tree oil at night. Keep using aloe vera gel during the day for a couple days. Make sure you are healed before diving into another session. Maybe you need 2 weeks between appointments instead of a week.


She kept wiping something away maybe I was bleeding. The needle going in sometimes hurt worse than the zap!

It’s normal for them to wipe you down during a treatment, to keep the area clean. I think if you were really bleeding, she’d have to apply pressure to the area to stop it. But in any case, you shouldn’t feel the needle going in!

When you got the scabs did you get them in every insertion as well? My scabs are not little. What kind of medicated cover up did you use? I never heard of it.

No, I didn’t get them in every insertion. Medicated cover-up/concealer is a super common item. It’s usually labeled as a cover up/foundation/concealer for acne. You can find cheaper brands at the drugstore or high-end ones like Clinique at the department store.

Which is easier on the skin blend or thermolysis???

Sorry, i only had thermolysis, so I don’t know. I think if i remember correctly, electrologists on here have said that blend is gentler.

She wipes my upper lip with something I dont know

It’s probably witch hazel. You should get some too and use that to wipe your face down the first 24 hours. Do NOT use alcohol! It will make your face super RED and it will burn and irritate the area.

Then use 100% aloe vera GEL (not a lotion or ointment!!!) during the day and tea tree oil overnight.

i hope this helps,

Yes I have witch hazel, tea tree oil and pure organic aloe vera gel. Its been a little bit over a week and I have maybe 3 scabs left. Stubborn little suckers. I keep it clean and tea tree oil at night. I have two bumps that are red those have not gotten smaller. All together everything looks much better.

Its been a month or so since I went to get electrolysis, I am a little affraid now. When I look in the mirror I see little pockets now I didnt have that before. Is that from over treatment? Is there any way to get rid of that?

I went to the same lady yesterday and she did blend with a sterling silver probe and i have hardly anything there. Its a little red (It doesnt help that i have a cold with a terrible runny nose so I keep having to wipe) and the skin is a little aggrivated but no scabs or bumps. I am very happy this time.