male thick and dark beard removal?

I would like to agree to You (please keep in mind that i have experience with 10 IPL sessions and one final session with the YAG in my face before i started doing electrolysis). It all depends on the quality of the laser or IPL-treatment. At least as far as the current situation here in Germany is concerned i would strongly doubt that it is possible to find reasonable places for doing photoepilation, mainly due to the fact that cosmeticians are only allowed to use castrated devices and physicians cannot be made responsible for their results and thus even treat people with blond hair.

What i actually do see is a severe, but avoidable quality problem mainly of the photoepilation side (again - Germany, but is the USA so much different?). If this could be solved, it would indeed be highly attractive for customers where preconditions are suitable doing 4-5 sessions with lasers or strong IPL devices before switching over to electrolysis.