Lucky on the first try??!! (And possible log...)

Really happy to read this hooray. You should be able to stretch it out to once every two weeks now. Give it a go and see if you can manage it.

I’ve taken stoppit’s advice and stretched out my treatments to every two weeks (so treatments 20 and 21 now completed). After 2 weeks of growth, it’s taking about a half hour to clear, going at a slow pace. I’m still shaving a couple of times in between, to get the few noticeable hairs, but things are definitely still looking up!

I really owe a lot to everyone on this forum who has helped me out; thanks so much guys, and I’ll continue to keep updating as things progress!

Just wanted to let everyone know I’m still alive :slight_smile: I’m still going in every 2 weeks, for a 30 minute treatment. My electrologist says she’s starting to get some of the thinner darkish hairs (the less noticeable ones) in addition to the coarse dark ones. She’s also had to remove a few ingrown hairs that I’ve been getting lately (not sure why, I haven’t been doing anything differently that I know of).
All in all, things are going well, and I’m still happy with my progress. I’ll keep posting, just not on a regular basis unless something changes!

Ressurecting this thread again to report that it’s been pretty much a year since I started electrolysis, and I could not be happier. I’m still going in fairly regularly (pretty much every 2 weeks) for a 15 minute session. I still get some dark coarse hairs, but they are few and far between – it’s mostly just thinner, darker ones that my electrologist is treating now. I counted it up today and I believe I’ve spent over $2000 on electrolysis in the past year, but I feel it’s worth every penny. The best part is, this summer I’ll be able to go on extended camping trips with bright natural light, and not have to worry about packing a small mirror and my tweezers!
So to anyone considering electrolysis, I would highly recommend it. Find a good practitioner and stick with it!

Thanks for the feedback and congratulations!

Did you heal well after each session? Sensation-wise, how was it?

Please does anyone know an electrologist with aplius machine in england asides wales and scotland?my electrologist hasnt been working for the past few weeks and have limited time to treat my facial hair.thanks.

Dee: In terms of healing, I couldn’t have been happier. I never experienced any scabbing, only redness and mild swelling that disappeared within 3 hours.
As far as sensation goes, it obviously wasn’t the most comfortable, but it wasn’t excruciating. I never had to ask her to stop or take a break, but it did make me squirm a bit at times (especially when working at the throat area). My electrologist usually does about 3 zaps for each hair in quick succession, so maybe that’s why it was painful - I always thought I had a pretty high pain threshold, but maybe not!

Thank you hooray for taking the time to answer those questions. Would you like to share the name of your electrologist with the HairTell community?

Unfortunately, I’m a bit worried about giving away the name of my electrologist. I live in a fairly small “city” (if you can even call it that) and I’d be afraid of being identified. Silly, I know, but I’ve been so embarrassed about my facial hair for so long I’d like to take precautions to maintain anonymity. However, if anyone reading this is in Ontario and wants to know the name of my electrologist, please PM me and I’ll share! Maybe once I’m completely finished treatment I’ll get up the courage to post it :slight_smile:

Just thought I’d add in a small update. I’ve recently relocated, and had to find a new electrologist. Luckily I had made so much progress that in the month it took me to move and find someone else, there wasn’t much growth and I didn’t have to stress about trying to hide it. The new practitioner I found is great - she does blend, which is a bit new to me since my old electrologist did thermolysis, but the end results are the same. Hairs are sliding out and any skin redness fades after about an hour tops. Blend just takes a bit longer - up to 30 minutes every 3 weeks vs the 15 it took me before. And still none of the really thick, coarse hair I had at the beginning. Now we’re just getting the dark thin ones. Still very happy with electrolysis!