Little Scabs on Lower Arms


When I did your consult in November, I think I worked on your upper arm, but correct me if I’m wrong. Did that fully heal? Has your Electrologist worked on areas other than the inside of your elbows? If so, can you describe how these areas healed?

I’m thinking that when the melanocyte cells, in that particular area, are aroused / excited / stirred up, they go into overdrive mode.

This kind of reaction, along with your heightened concern about a few stuck hairs and hyperpigmentation (that I understand and am sympathetic to) is probably making your electrologist very nervous. We are in business to HELP people and if something weird like this happens, we are so very unhappy. She may naturally undertreat you (not good) in order to avoid the unique overdrive reaction that is specific to your skin type and immune system, that she or you have no control over. Using ice or cold aloe vera gel right out of the refrigerator after a treatment session can help calm down the skin and perhaps your reaction will be so much less.

It can take up to a year for some types of hyperpig to resolve fully. So, you may want to leave the area ALONE until it fully heals, you don’t need to do anything - just leave it alone.

When you had laser reduction, how did your skin react? Did you have hyperpig?

Hi Dee,

I believe the area you treated is clear now.

My electrologist is using lower settings in general and we’re going for only the dark hairs now.

I definitely plan on using ice on future treated areas.

Regarding LHR, I have some most-likely, permanent hyperpig. on the right side of my face from a tx 11 years ago.

I was treated by a newcomer with a LightSheer (inappropriate for type IV-V).

I had a Fraxel years ago and several LHRs last summer. I was left with a slight burn that healed without incident. However, there is a (different) tiny spot of hyperpig. that has lasted since then - although it’s faded a lot.

Oh and yes, my electrologist has treated both my arms, on the back parts and outward lateral side.

The bicep area was left alone until 2 months ago. I was left with a lot of hyperpigmented spots and ‘ghost hairs’.

These hairs came out with some tweezing done by the electrologist (little to no force applied, so these hairs were waiting to slide out).

They didn’t appear to have roots.

So that hair eventually detaches from the dermal papilla?

So the hair is still attached to the dermal papilla but eventually detaches?