Laser Hair Removal: 100% temporary!!

James, Kathy also said this: “The hair may be stunted for a while longer than if you wax, but it doesn’t give permanent results.”

I think many users who have had successful Laser treatments would disagree.

She never said that she did (or did not) study LASER. She just gave an opinion based on her experience. After all, if you are a butcher, how many vegans do you know?

I think one of the things that frustrates electrolysis only people is what seems to be a sliding scale on what defines a LASER success. Any stable reduction via Light Based Systems is a total success, while electrolysis clients go from hoping that the biggest, longest, most noticeable hairs can be removed, to demanding that you remove the very vellus hairs that no one will notice having been removed, because once they see that any hair removal is possible, many tend to become a little zealous. Unlike Tattoo aficionados, however, no one notices that a person has had head to toe electrolysis, as other than seeing certain non-public areas, there is little that most would ever notice to be an alteration, as opposed to someone who naturally had little hair anywhere other than on their heads. Does a guy on the beach really notice if the girl he is talking to has hair on her toes? If he does, does he care? (Ladies, the answer is no on both counts.)

I know she didn’t mention laser, my first sentence was about her just joining and posting a message saying laser doesn’t work. I was explaining about laser because as I mentioned there’s so many variables, that you can’t really come on here saying it doesn’t work and is temporary but then not even share an example or anything. For all we know the people that she treated may have had blonde hair is all my point was.

Kathy should read our FAQs. The problem with biased electrologists is that they compare BAD laser treatments to GOOD electrolysis treatments. It’s meaningless comparison and helps no one.

First Kathy, your experience in permanent hair removal is welcome. Just as your experience working in the remains partial or total failure of the laser.

LAgirl, what is the definition of a BAD laser? not getting the results of 95%? In this case there are too many bad laser out there. This would include your own treatment in the stomach. It appears that your estimates are 40% off there.
As for your axilla, I read in your diary that started the Electrolysis in February 2006. In August of that year, you had 4-5 sessions of 15 minutes, right? if your electrologist removes five minute hairs, the hairs treated were about 300/375. If you manage to treat 10 per minute hairs, the hairs were treated 600/750.

In my opinion, the estimate is closer to 85/90% reduction. As for the bikini line and those hours spent in 2008 Electrolysis is a clear indication that the 95% reduction laser is a rather optimistic estimate.
In the photo of your axilla, shows very good results with the laser, but also shows the points where the hairs that were treated with electrolysis, and that’s more than 15 hairs in total. None of these points shows regrowth of hair on them. This leads me to believe that your electrologist has been very effective.

It is fair to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s.
So let’s give to Dr. Bababour what is Dr. Bababour´s and unto Ms. Tina what is Ms. Tina´s.
You say in your paper that the MicroFlash not seem to be working in the bikini line, when the truth is that probably what was happening is that the hairs were returning hair partially affected by the laser and therefore, slower growth.

You confuse results of GOOD Laser with results of GOOD Electrolysis.


I think she means bad laser as in either IPL or a person with hair that isn’t coarse etc. I don’t know why people have so much trouble with this. Laser works but only on one type of hair. No one in the world has ONLY that type of hair even if it looks that way. Everyone has at lest some fine or blonde hairs mixed in meaning laser will never treat it all. Electrolysis in the right hands has literally no variables where laser has many: skin colour, hair thickness, hair colour, laser type used, technician experience, settings being used, spot size, overlapping, etc etc. So there’s just far more factors that can cause laser not to work but none of which are because the laser actually failed. It WILL work when the above criteria are met.

I agree that if all these factors is very likely that the laser works…or not. I refer to the case of Bryce, thick hair, proper hair color, very clear skin, good type of laser and all he has achieved after 6 sessions is to have thinner hair. And do not tell me it’s hair later developed, all follicles were developing thick hair back. He not had thin hair before laser treatment.

As I read James at times, the laser is as if you throw the dice and wait to have a stroke of luck.

My definition of “bad laser” is the same as my definition of “bad electrolysis”, i.e. when either is not done properly. This includes both not using proper machine or settings or treating hair that’s not meant for laser in the first place.

Please don’t bring up my treatments if you choose not to read my entire story with reasons behind everything I did. 40% removal that I got on my stomach was GOOD because that area had fine hair and doesn’t react to laser well. I KNEW THIS going into it and wanted to test it out and get as much removed with laser as possible before moving to electrolysis on that area. That was my intention in the first place before starting any treatments. I didn’t switch to electrolysis on this area because I was disappointed with laser. I did what I always planned on doing…getting rid of whatever laser would catch first and then moving on the electrolysis. This was cheaper overall btw compared to doing electrolysis only there from the start.

There is no more “dice throwing” with laser than with electrolysis. Read tons of posts from people on this forum who spent 5+ years getting electrolysis treatments and still have hair plus scarring.

I had the same experience! I went to UCLA Medical Center (which was supposed to be very reputable) and spent about 5K on laser hair removal treatments on my bikini area and upper thighs. My regrowth came back quickly and with the same density as before the treatments. Over the years, I’ve spent about $10K on various other electrolysis and laser treatments and none of them have worked. If I don’t pluck my chin every night, I will have a beard the next morning. My body has hair EVERYWHERE! I feel like an animal!!

[color:#990000]Yup, me too, hair came back. It was like a $550 dollar shave session, times five.

…Oh wait, I had to shave the morning of the treatment, so nevermind, it was just $550 dollars thrown away times five.
