Kimberly Williams - Boston School Of Electrolysis (WARNING!)

Just imagine how she would handle one of her clients switching to another electrologist?

It is that time of the year again my friends.

Our Favorite Cyber Stalker has made her usual holiday foray into trying to Grinch the season for Andrea and me.

We have already addressed the holiday season blitz in another post string:

You all can stop sending me links to her rants, and phoning me about the phone calls she has made to you. The answer is “YES, we are aware of this nut case, and what are we supposed to do about someone who does so little paid work that he/she has enough free time to expend his/her resources writing slanderous blogs and net articles, about you, and calling people you may, or may not know to “warn them about you” or try to stir up opposition to your consumer advocacy?”

For my part, I can say that it is hard to catch the humanoid known as Kimberly Williams in a truth when he/she writes an article. Professionaly I have given the so-called electrologist known as Kimberly Williams the benefit of the doubt by pointing out that I have never had work done by him/her, and know of no one who has, and therefore, he/she could be the greatest electrologist who ever breathed from a technical stand point for all I know…however, I am convinced that no one as patently INSANE as this piece or work would be anyone any person with good sense would seek out to perform micro-surgery on oneself, nor pay for the situation of having to spend hours and hours over months and months listening to this person talk.

Also in the interest of fairness, one of our registered members did attempt to receive treatment from him/her, but got only insane behavior, unprofessionalism, and later, outright personal attacks. (Kimberly’s Personal Attacks on client:
& )

Lastly, in the further interest of fairness, you should know that the person known as Kimberly Williams has several slanderous so called articles about Andrea and myself on his/her site. If you would like to see an example, you may find one here:

bostonschoolofelectrolysis .com/articlelive/articles/6/1/Hairtell-Forum-Moderator-James-Wallker-VII–CPE-Exposed–Spotlight-On-Slime–/Page1.html

I leave it to those of you who have actually read my words, followed my advise and who have experienced my work to decide if I am as incompetent as Kimmy Wimmy would have you believe.

Let this be a lesson to you all, when you rise above the crowd, you are a better target for people to throw tomatos. :crazy:

Kimberly, it was said that you read hairtell. So I want to ask you, how could you write something as odd as the quoted post below. I deleted the poster’s name and address that you so freely and slanderously posted on the internet. This poster was just asking for help for her hair problem. What justifies this hateful rant against an innocent person?

Written by Kimberly Williams:

[b]"Update 9/24, 2007 Moderator Allow Civil Rights Abuses By Its Members Use of Prejudice, Discrimination & Bigotry

In regards, to James Walkers VII, CPE use of unethical subjects and disturbing content as the moderator of he uses and allows members to endorse and post statements that violate the “Civil Rights Act” that contain prejudice, bigotry and discrimination to humiliate women because of their appearance. Also he mocks and humiliates women because of their age, height and weight in addition he allows personal attacks against sexual minorities such as TG, TS and gay folk. Nonetheless Mr. James Walker The VII, CPE brings shame and humiliation upon his “African American Heritage and Movement” with his “Hypocrisy” and shameful use of prejudice, bigotry and discrimination that undermine the sacrifices made by African Americans and all Americans who fought for and believe in Civil Rights equality for all.

For the record Boston Electrolysis treats all people with equality and the use of prejudice, discrimination and bigotry are not allowed in my practice in any form or manner. However when Mr. Walker the moderator of removes every false and slanderous comment by himself and Andrea James false about licensed and registered electrologists who worked for their degree they would not be the center of attention.

New Flash This Paragraph Under construction

Recently a member of using the alias (deleted) AKA Mr.(deleted) and Mrs. (deleted) aka aka (deleted name) has been identified as the woman who has been harassing licensed and registered electrologists through out Paradise Valley, Arizona. One of her addresses is (deleted address)., Phoenix, AZ (zip code deleted). Mrs. (deleted name) could be an illigal Bosnian-Croation immigrant however for unknown reasons she has been calling licensed electrologists in the Valley and making fake appointments with an unlisted disposable cell phone numbers which is a tactic used by terrorists. Furthermore she makes slanderous comments about licensed electrologists on using the alias (deleted) and she been arriving at electrologists offices with out an appointment to cause trouble, make a scene or a possible insurance scams or worse. Her description is age 32 to 35 5’ 2" brown kinky frizzy hair, brown-eyes, weight 225 pounds with two upper front teeth missing. She wears an imitation hounds-tooth polyester Wal-Mart dress with Islamic head dress. It rumored she could be employed by a jealous moderator and a local Phoenix area non-licensed electrologist with to much time on her hands. A video of this women has been taken from a security cam and is being edited for release on Youtube and this website, watch for a feature article about her on all five of my websites."[/b]

And whose the bigot here?

I would advise you not to post any video’s of this innocent woman.

Hairtell is not about such negativity, but this has to be exposed. James, I think you made a good decision to show this information even though it defames you and Andrea and I think the other electrologists that post here are included in that defamation. I don’t even know this woman and I think she is accusing me of being a fake electrologist. Kimberly, if you want, I would be ever so happy to tell you and the world about my credentials for performing electrolysis. I could tell you in painstakenly detail about the curriculum at my electrolysis school and the three day state board examination I had to pass in order to get my license to practice. Oh, I’ll throw in a description of the 25 hours of continuing education requirements that I need every two years in order to renew my license. Oh, and I’ll describe the 24 hours of continuing education I need every two years to retain active status on my registered nurse license.

Please think about what you are saying and doing. This does not promote your business very well when you are viciously slandering other people. This is something that makes lawyers salivate and foam at the mouth. Please be careful.


Since i am the one who gave that extensive report on that pig sty called an office, i am guessing that slander is at my expense. My hands are shaking and my heart is pounding like crazy. I am NOT going to show this to my husband, and Kimberly knows WHY. She called my house numerous times, and stoped after my husband had an crazy episode. I will however go to my attorney monday, and see if anything can be done to bring this lunatic to the end.
Illegal phones? What kinda phone is that? Islamic clothes? Both me and hubby are very much catholics and we just had best christmas ever. Even if we were muslims, so what? What kind of racist and fascist remark was that?
I have to add that i never even made atempt to call this idiot after seeing the practice she has. Shes the one who called us and i have cell phone bill to prove that. And i think youre right about someone experiencing a switch to another electrologist with Kimberly. It would be mad. maybe little brave to atempt, but i think they would definitely be sorry. Thank god i stayed with Maria De Nicola, and i sure wish i never spent 10 bucks on fuel to deal with this “person”.
Just for laugh:
To all members of Hairtell who read this - i have all my teeth, and i weigh 164 pounds. I also dress with a bit more style than Walmart. :slight_smile:
What a lunatic this person is. I sure wish we had someone who experienced her work, although i once found a post right here from someone, stating that she is talking about other clients while shes performing work on you. Ill try to find that post.
If my attorney can do anything, i won`t think twice to spend money on this matter. Just for calling me and my family terrorist.

I just wanted to add that if I was missing two front teeth, I`d actually let my moustache grow so I could hide it! I would do anything humanly possible to grow them as thick and long as I can. Which would prove to be cheaper than actual electrolysis I’m paying for each week.:slight_smile:

I am glad to see that you are still with us.

I am so sorry this had to happen to you. I told you that she had proved herself to be unbalanced at the very least.

On another subject, it is hilarious for those who have understanding to see how even while he/she is accusing someone of a certain thing, he/she exhibits exactly the thing he/she is trying to paint as evil.

He/She calls me a racist, while making racist remarks about both me and poster “sanny”, he/she accuses me of being a shameless promoter, while promoting him/herself to the Nth degree. He/She calls the CPE a fraudulent credential (which, I guess makes the SAT, MCAT, LSAT and GRE just as fraudulent, as they are all administered by the same organization) while he/she has created his/her own credential and is advocating and advertising that the world’s electrologists should pay him/her, and submit to his/her tender mercies for evaluation of their technique. He/She makes up his/her so called Certified Educational Upgrades (certified by what, or whom?) in a bald faced copyright infringement on the Continuing Educational Units (CEU’s) required for those with credentials to maintain them, from MD’s to CPE’s.

Oh, and he/she says he/she hates us, but he/she so desperately wants our attention that he/she spends the holidays trying to get us to interact with him/her. Perhaps I should have sent him/her gifts, and a fruitcake. Maybe got together a group and went to sing carols at his/her door. :slight_smile:

I still say that if I ever go missing, you all know where to send the search party. Just watch Kathy Bates in the movie MISERY to see what I am talking about. :wink:

Send a fruitcake to a fruitcake! I like it!

If it weren’t for her, though, I wouldn’t be here. Not likely anyway.

Many moons ago when I was just learning about electrologists and hormones and such, her site was the one I stumbled upon first. I read the whole thing, and as little as I knew then about the subject, I could tell she was off her rocker with all her insistence of ONLY galvanic electrolysis, and shaving makes hair grow faster and thicker, and strange photos of removed hairs, and most of all, her rant against somebody named “Andrea James”. Well actually, the first thing I noticed was her terrible grammar and composition–forgivable on posts like this but not on websites where you’re trying to promote yourself.

So I just had to see what the deal was with this Andrea James person, and… here am I. That’s how I found this site.

Hey, great job Kimmy–you are a great boon to Hairtell!! Keep it up!

Well, I guess you can stop now.

Hi CoffeeGal

Yeah like u say fruitcake for fruitcake. Just watch yourself…You dont want to end up like Andrea, James and myself. Once this nutt-o gets into you, its like a nightmare. You can never wake up, end even if you do, youll never forget it. Can you imagine how i feel though? Ive seen IT ! :slight_smile:
Now it`s up to my attorney to fight with It. Bummer.

She might be a cream puff instead of a fruitcake. This stuff was written last Septemeber and I can’t find any security camera video on YouTube, thankfully so, sanny.

So Gene Simmons was right? “There is no such thing as bad publicity.”

As for the youtube thing and promised video link on his/her site, it is possible that the last marble in that person’s head rolled over the fact that everything Williams puts on that web site is an invitation to revocation of Williams’ license, and posting such video in addition to the privacy breach of discussing the details of someone who came to you for services without their permission is like saying, “Please revoke my license, even though I am practicing outside of the state of issue and therefore molesting people who are not residing in the state of my jurisdiction and therefore exist only as a revenue source for your office.”

Maybe he/she understands that he/she is on the razor’s edge of needing to find a way to market him/herself once he/she becomes The Nutcase formerly known as a Mass. Licensed Electrologist.

At this point, he/she only serves to prove my point that licensing doesn’t serve the public to protect them, only give government more ways to charge fees.

After all, if an MD was publicly slandering patients, and publishing their addresses and phone numbers, while discussing their case without permission, would the doctor have hospital privileges for long? Would the license board act on the information of such an offense?

I just found this site while trying to find reviews of Kimberly Williams’ practice and wish I had seen it prior to paying her a visit to get facial electrolysis. Yes, I am a former patient and I believe everything you all have been saying about her. She is off her rocker. Let me defend myself by saying that I only began seeing her for hair removal because her office is 15 minutes from my house and I recently moved to Phoenix so I am unfamiliar with electrolysis practitioners here.

In person…how can I say this…she has a VERY high opinion of herself; she thinks she is the only one who can do this job, she’s the best at it, and everyone else doesn’t appreciate what she does, steals her work, etc. She is very conceited. And she is like that about any subject, not just electrolysis. She is a rather slovenly person, disorganized, and rude. I was always made to feel like an inconvenience and after a few hundred dollars I didn’t see any results (and I’ve been getting electrolysis for 10 years so I’m not an amature here). Even after I told her “I don’t feel anything; I think you can increase the voltage,” she failed to do so. AND I could feel the hairs weren’t easily coming out; it felt like plucking, and she told me that was the root ball coming through the pore. I could go on and on about how uncomfortable I was at her place and with her, but the last straw was when I showed up for a Saturday appointment and she wasn’t there. As I was pulling away she pulled up in the parking lot. I got out and she said she was there only to pick something up from her office. I said that “no, we have an appointment.” Then she starts complaining about how her electrolysis machine part had to be replaced, her “readers” were broken and she couldn’t see anything. I finally got her to pull out her book and confirm that yes, I did have an appointment. After that, I was done! She didn’t even apologize after she clearly missed the appointment, but kept droning on about HER problems. She kept saying, “come inside and we’ll reschedule,” and I said, “no, I’ll get back to ya later.” Needless to say, I never did! Thankfully I only spent 4 sessions at that grossly overpriced, dingy little office with a crazy woman who could NEVER remember my name and often called me the wrong name.

I have since been fortunate enough to find a wonderful, effective, sane, and reasonably priced electrolysis woman elsewhere. Oh, but it gets better! My new electrolysis woman said to me one day that there was supposed to be a transexual in Scottsdale who was performing electrolysis and this woman called her once but she sounded like a crackpot with a man’s voice. I said, “OMG, I’m embarrassed to say this, but I used to go to her!” And I can’t see how Williams can say she is Dean of an Electrolysis School when my electrolysis woman has been in Phoenix for over 30 years and said there hasn’t been an electrolysis school here in the Phoenix Metro area for years. She said there was talk about starting up a program in a tech school, but no one could get coordinated. My woman was involved with the local electrolysis group, when they had one, and was telling me all sorts of local history about electrolysis here, but no mention of William’s school. So there you go. Who are these students at Williams’ school that she’s dean of? Beats me.

If I could find a way to warn others about Kimberly Williams I would, then at least some good would come of my experience. . But I’m afraid she would slap a lawsuit against me for slander or something.

You are very brave to post about Kimberly Williams’ Boston School of Electrolysis in Scottdale Arizona. Keep an eye on her website, for she may let loose on you next. James, Andrea and poster sanny has certainly felt her ire. She’s banned from hairtell, so you may be covered, since she may not see your post.

Actually, your posting here is a great service to the people of your area. As the humanoid known as Kimberly Williams has raged, when you enter that person’s info into Google, you get directed here before you get directed to that person’s website, so it is likely that people will see your review and consider themselves warned.

I would like to take time to point somthing out at this juncture. As much vitriole and bile as this person has served up to us over the last half a decade, we have always maintained that we had never had a review of the actual work one might be able to obtain if one were to actually visit the famed offices advertised by Kimberly Williams, Boston School of Electrolysis located in Scottsdale/Phoenix Arizona (AZ). Even when a poster here told her story of driving far out of her way (against our recommendations) to Scottsdale/Phoenix Arizona to try out the services there, and ended up leaving due to the (um, what’s that?) rude behavior, condition of the office, odor of the office, and furthermore being told that the time had been double booked, and she should go have lunch and return in 2 hours, did we jump all over Scottsdale/Phoenix Arizona’s Kimberly Williams and The Famed Boston School of Electrolysis? No, we did not. We lamented that someone went all that way and did not sample the work and so could not come back with a review that said, the place is not my ideal, but at least the electrolysis is well performed, or the place stinks, and so does the work delivered.

As for the students of the Scottsdale/Phoenix Arizona so-called boston school, well, the so-called school was never certified, so one can’t use state education funds or government loans to go there, and you can’t use any credits earned there to qualify for any state’s licensing program, so what good is it? Oh, yeah, one could qualify for his/her self created Five Star Electrolysis Certification and pay him/her additional money over the years for his/her “Certified Educational Upgrads”. Which is strange, as if one was taught by The Ultra Superior Kimberly Williams at the World Renowned Boston School Of Electrolysis at 7330 East Earl Dr, Suite J, Scottsdale, AZ 85251, in the first place, why would one need upgrades to that Ultimate educational experience in Kimberly Williams’ opinion? One would think that this person who is always touting licensing would want to make damned sure that the school that person runs is capable of turning out licensed practitioners, but apparently not. This known problem is even admitted by Kimberly Williams in that the signage of the office simply says, Boston Electrolysis. The word school does not appear anywhere visible to the outside world, except in the web site address vinyl letters showing the web site address on the window to the actual office, which is in the rear of the building, not visible from the street view so prominently displayed on Williams’ web site. It must also confuse most people, as they know they are standing in Scottsdale/Phoenix Arizona, and are probably wondering if it is like when you got to an Native American Casino, where you may be in the state of New York, but you are suddenly standing in The Seneca Nation.

Now we have it from someone who has been to 7330 East Earll Dr, Suite J, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 more than once. The work is nothing to write home about, the equipment is in need of upgrading, and lots of people here on HairTell deliver better work results.

Hi James…

Congratulations. I just heard you were upped to a GOLD STAR. A special award was made for you because there was nothing higher than a five star award and they wanted to do more for you because of all the good work you have done. You are the ONLY one in our field with a GOLD STAR. There will be nothing higher ever. Like the MEDAL OF HONOR. There will be no 2 gold stars or platinum or anything else. You made it to the top Buddy. Good luck.

Thank You Harvey. I know that your respect is not easily earned.

Ladies and Gentlemen. Lend me your ears.

After years of hearing feedback from actual visitors to the offices of our favorite nutball, and not knowing what to believe, I can now say that having made the pilgrimage, and lived to tell the tale, what has been said to us by those who have braved the wrath of it is true.

The self proclaimed, 5-Star-E, looks NOTHING like the pictures posted on the web site. The office is too small to have EVER hosted a school, (at least in the sense that one could not have more than one student at a time, anyway) and what the 5-Star really needs is the professional attention that the jokingly self proclaimed Electrolysis World Champion can provide, in order to clear up those bristles off that scary face. I feel such compassion on what I saw that I would provide this service for free. Seriously. I would love to end your suffering my dear Kim. (I know you are reading this. You can’t get up in the morning without reading my every word so you can write a new page on your web site. Reminds me of a song, “Another Postcard (chimps)”)

As for the work provided at the establishment, the treatment result is acceptable. I would even say good - slower than most consumers I talk to prefer, but skin result is good. Although I have many reasons for not recommending anyone hazard the trip to this establishment, I can not say that fear of ruining one’s face is among them.

The office is as lovely as the web site pictures portray. (strange that the inside of the place is better represented than the recognizably of the person you are going to visit) The equipment is in good repair, although I would, as I always do, recommend upgrading the vision and treatment lighting equipment at the very least.

The work is not as fast as someone visiting me might have come to expect, but precision is the focus of this person’s work, and it is done with that in mind.

If we could separate the OCD, manic/depressive persecution complex personality from the work being done in this establishment, I would have had no problem saying that for good work with little expectation of post treatment negativity, this is a fine place to get work done if the pace of that work met with your goals.

I am truly sorry that there are so many other caveats that make it impossible for me to recommend this person’s services. Seriously, the things I have heard from people who have ended their client/practitioner relationship with this person would curl your hair and turn it white.


This is just too funny because i’ve heard similar stories.

Although I’ve not had the privilege (cough! cough!)of having electrolysis done by this person I have heard some pretty crazy stuff about her.

I go to a really nice lady named Patrice over at Pour Le Corps in Boston. She’s extremely talented! Anyway, apparently this kimberly person called and harassed and insulted her and her family all because she was using the phrase ‘Boston electrolysis’ which she somehow got the rights to herself…she’s written awful things about Patrice and Pour le corps on her website…which i actually find so funny to read about LOL!

I sometimes wonder if Williams thinks that the slander and vitriol oozing from that cavernous web site is a route to elevating Williams above the industry, or if the usual reaction of questioning the sanity of the writer is even understood by the author. The fantasy world represented by what is posted there is quite humorous to those who know the truth, and even to those who can only guess at the truth.

Thanks for speaking up Bell. You do realize, there will be a new post on the page of horrors (TM C Registered copyright) that purports to be you recanting everything you said. :wink:

I cannot even tell you how or why it was I stumbled on that web site one day. However, it was quickly evident that logic, reason, and sanity were not involved in the preparation of those web pages. How anyone can go on forever without stating any facts or any worthwhile opinions regarding electrolysis is completely beyond my ability to comprehend.

I wonder how the recognition of the qualities of a machine, a probe, or a method may make a disqualification to other brands or methods.
I do not want to be involved in this storm, but like Caith, I can not understand how these attacks can help improve vision that consumers have of Electrolysis. We all make mistakes because we are all human, but to perpetuate confrontation like this, is a deliberate attack to the entire profession and especially those who have dedicated much of our life trying to return the Electrolysis recognition that it deserves.

I do not care if James will benefit from his participation in Hairtell. James is not alone, we all benefit in one way or another.
Consumers get information not found anywhere else and is useful to initiate, continue or finish their adventure to the release of the hairs.
Professionals may obtain information that will help improve the quality of our services and therefore, the end customer will benefit equally.
Manufacturers (who bother to read) learn what our needs are and to what extent the product can be improved. Schools can obtain an increase in the number of students, because thanks to Hairtell, the prospective student is aware of the high demand for this technique yet.

Electrologists associations manage to have arguments to focus their collective efforts.

What if a machine is manufactured by American, Canadian, German or Spanish? what really matters is that many machines are manufactured and sold many needles and there are many people free of hair, because that will mean that Electrolysis is ALIVE.
If this absurd struggle continues, all you get will not manufacture anything, nor there, neither here, nor anywhere.

Sigh, it’s been few years since this was posted to. The nutbar is still at it. I’ve no idea James and Andrea, why you havent sued for libel yet. You must have a LOT of patiencce ( well I guess you do since you put up weith my endless questions, and to think James, I never ONCE clued in that you supposedly spit vitrol and hate at TG folks like myself ! I’m truly shocked ! uh…wait a minute, maybe because you never have ever? )
I came across her site while researching licensing information. Then I read Andrea’s page on hairfacts. All this because any email at her domain goes to her? Really? Hint nutjob, as a 20 year veteran of System Engineering and a qualified MCSE and microsoft exchange certified specialist, I can tell you 90% of email domains are configured this way! Just wow.

Oh well I suppose I’m setting myself up to be “another shrill” and earn a special place on her page . Heck, maybe it will cure my sons autism, make the hair fall out of my face and earn me that certification I’m working so hard to attain.

I can tell you , having seen andrea 's posts accross a half dozen TG sites and interacted many times with her, I have NEVER seen the behaviour nutjob describes. I just cant believe, that anyone has put up with that libel on the web for over a decade. It just amazes me.
