Is this normal healing?

Why do you want to encourage the scabs to slough off ASAP? (Just curious, thanks!)

Would scabbing be because of too high of heat, or poor insertion, or? My electrologist is doing my upper lip and always leaves me with scabs, larger than the pin dot ones. Usually last 8 days or so. She said she is on a very low setting, so I’m not sure what else could be going on or if it is just how my skin reacts.

Or none of the above?
When we perform electrolysis we are causing a tiny burn to the tissue to cauterize the hair germination cells ( Stem cells) and the dermal papillae. This is intentional, and temporary skin manifestation. Scabbing can also be caused by shallow or too strong a current, but dont need to be , They can be caused by disruption of the upper tidssues die to an ingrown extraction, or by just normal inflamatiion from a competently delivered treatment. It’s a normal part of the healing process, if unsighly for a short period.

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There is hyperinflammation & hyperpigmentation. This can happen from overtreatment, or too much sun exposure after electrolysis, or it can just happen fr super sensitive skin. I have super sensitive skin, & my legs hyperpigmented for 6 months, even though I treated myself (presumably no overtreatment), and wore long loose pants to keep it covered. Hyperinflammation & hyperpigmentation fades in 3-6 months after you finish. Not what you would wish, but it’s not permanent, so in the long run, all will be well.