This is all true, and yet men get the same thing, when we see Fabio painted up, and having his hair down to his mid back, and underwear models with 5% body fat. The difference is, men seem to understand that not everyone can grow long hair, and no one who can’t eat 3,000 - 5,000 calories of protein in 6 to 10 meals a day and can work out religiously can obtain, or maintain a body like that. We know that being expected to work a 9 to 5 AND look like a person who makes thousands of dollars per hour for what they look like, but only works 5 days a month is unrealistic. Of course, we have football and other sports to teach us that some people work out twice a day 4 days a week, and then get paid for 3 hours work once a week. We also have boxing where guys work out all year and make anywhere from $100,000 to $10,000,000 once a year to drive the point home.
I wonder if the average woman understands that Super Models don’t eat at McDonalds. Fitness Models don’t drink Diet Coke. Healthy people don’t skip meals, because healthy people know that skipping meals crashes the metabolism and actually makes you fatter even if you eat less. The person you know who has 5% - 10% body fat probably eats 3,000 calories a day, and eats 4 to 10 times a day.
The normal US situation is designed to make you fat. If you work, you have to find a way to eat and get to work on time, while you are at work, you may not get time to eat on schedule, and if you do get time, you are left with the candy machine, and McDonalds if you are not organized enough to bring your own, further more the stuff called “diet” foods usually are designed to actually make you fatter. If I could just talk the readers here into dropping the NutraSweet/Aspartame and Sweet-N-Low/Saccharine most would watch as they magically lost 20 pounds without doing anything else. They would also avoid a certain hormonal reaction that causes hair growth in some females.