I think this was a wonderful thread. When I first shaved my legs it was maybe 15 years ago, and it was not at all common for men. I just don’t like leg hair, and think shaved men’s legs are beautiful. The reason women shave their legs is it looks good, and it looks good for men, too. I have always been a runner until lately, when I have taken more to bodybuilding. I have very muscular legs, and extremely muscled calves, very defined. They look very natural shaved, especially as I have extremely light skin. My hair is fairly dark, and I think that is an lousy combination. I always felt I had a sweater on my legs when I woree shorts, though by now I have much less lower leg hair, due to age (I’m 52).
When I began shaving my legs, I was very uncomfortable being in public. I generally only wore short shorts to run, and figured if I was moving and sweaty, who would notice. There were a few times I’d pass people and hear comments like “I never knew men shaved their legs”. I also got lots of “cute legs”, which always made me feel good. As time went by, I got more comfortable with it, and would go out in shorts all the time. I realized very few people noticed, and if they did, they didn’t say anything. A few times I would be trying on shorts in a store, but the comments were generally : " your legs are beautiful" with no specific reference to hair. I really think if you are muscular and shave, people kind of expect it at this point in time. Clearly, in the last few years, many more men shave their legs. One time I remembere being at the beach and a couple of women were discussing my legs, and I realized they were jealous, as they didn’t realize I shave them, they thought I naturally had not hair. They were saying they had to shave twice a dday, then look at the joke played by nature with a guy with hairless legs. I thought that was funny, as it never even dawned on them I might shave them.
A big difference is in the age of people and how they feel about men shaving. At my age, most people don’t expect men to shave, unless they bodybuild or cycle. Women who really think men should be hairy tend to be in their 40’s or older. It seems women in their 20’s like smooth men. It really is just what you are conditioned to like. When I was young, all the men in movies had that “manly” chest hair. Now, they are all shaved smooth, with nice pecs. When I was in Aspen Colorado in the summer, I noticed almost all the guys in their 20’s shaved their legs, and most of them had beautiful, muscled legs from cycling. It was natural and to be expected. Just like in South Africa, the athletic look now includes shaving. I felt I fit right in. In Chicago where I live, there are lots of cyclist and they all shave, but it is not nearly as sports oriented as a place like Aspen.
My biggest problem with shaving has been my wife (soon to be ex wife). She never thought it was natural to shave my legs, or anywhere else, except arm pits, which she loved shaved. Until I shaved them, she would never touch me there, and its one of my favourite places to be touched. She hated my legs shaved, and I never really understood why. She also loves chest hair, but by the time I began to shave it, we were past the point of intimacy, not due to shaving. Funny thing is, she has never, ever noticed I shave my arms. They were not especially hairy, but it was noticeable as my skin is so light.
I would never go back to not shaving, so I guess my future girlfriends will have to like smooth men. At least they will know up front, to be fair to my wife, 30 years ago when we met I didn’t shave, though even then I wanted to.
My wife also is the only person I ever met who thought men who shaved their legs look gay. All the gay men I have known were hairy, and it makes sense that men who like men would also like hair, does it not? I have never had a man, whether gay or straight, ever say a word about my legs. Probably most men don’t look, though I do as I enjoy muscle, so if a guy has muscular legs, I enjoy looking, and much prefer if they are smooth.
Life is too short to worry about what someone thinks about your shaved legs. I don’t even worry about what I would say if someone made a comment, I’d probably just say they look better shaved. I’d rather deal with that than be a fat slob like so many of the guys are. I do think people would notice if a guy shaved his pits, but no one sees them, so who cares. The cool part there is I never smell, and don’t even need deod. I feel clean, and that’s what counts. In summer I am much more comfortable hair free, and I am very intolerant of heat, so that is important to me. Plus, you dry off immediately after a shower, without hair to hold the water.