Getting new clients: groupon???

Timmamit, sorry I did not reply sooner I am not on Hairtell that often. I did not use Groupon because they are very difficult to get in touch with. Now Groupon is very is to get involved with but they do not promote your business at all and I do not like them. Living Social on the other hand has been great and I have run two deals with them. They promote your business which can bring in high volume. They got a hold of me the first time so I do not know how to get a hold of them. If you do a Living Social Merchant search you might have some luck.

Odi, the numbers have changed. On my second run with Living Soc. I am getting 75% repeat business with out additional deals. These folks are coming in and paying full price. These people see results and they like coming to my office and they do refer their friends to me. Now I do get those folks who only come in when the see a deal and that is fine. It’s not I am running deals all the time because I am not, for those people I tell them pay me instead of Living Social. Overall it has worked out really good and I am finding that there are so many people out there who do not know what electrolysis is. These deals are an introduction for so many therefore bringing electrolysis back into the for front. In conclusion, Odi you are wrong.

Maybe there is no competition for electrolysis in your area, that could explain the weird numbers that you are seeing.

Or I am doing my job right, I know crazy concept. I have plenty of my colleagues surrounding me. I do not look at them as competition anymore. I did at one time but this website and the three fb pages for electrologist’s that I know of have taught me different.

I have said it before, There really isn’t all that much to compete for in this industry. If everyone currently doing work tried to book one hour of treatment time in any given month, there would not be enough practitioners available to work the total hours being sought. Add to that the people who would do electrolysis if they knew anything about it, and we have a deluge.

Of course, I know of people who think of me as competition just because someone passes them on their way to see me. My reply is, that person had just as much opportunity to choose you, and there are plenty of people who would never work so much as a sample treatment with me, who would just adore working with you.

So I have a friend in business for herself that used Groupon. To get around their fees she somehow put in her ad to contact her before they purchase the Groupon. This way she received for profits and also got to talk to her to book an appointment.

When I opened my clinic years ago I ran groupons for a while. worst decision ever. All the clients it brought were tire kickers. We ended up kicking groupon to the curb. You get NOTHING a pittence of the work that you do on groupons that doesnt even cover supplies. I would not recommend them to any new professional. totally not worth it.

In the last six months, I’ve had a tsunami of “tire kickers” (unrelated to Groupon) … clients that are difficult to manage and/or those that will not follow through. It’s like the craziness experienced during/post covid. A few clients have canceled appointments without explanation, so, I began to wonder, is it me? What have I done? All have had excellent results. Some are trans clients that really need the work, but something else always gets in the way that is more important than electrolysis.

Actually I’ve come to know this is actually normal. Transgender clients can go through some tumultuous times financially, often relationships end, jobs disappear and they have a hard time being hired on, Some may be students or do seasonal work where income changes over time. In times of hyperinflation, like now, they have to make some tough choices. This isnt any different for my CIS clients either. Sometimes , like recently, I end up restarting cases I began 3 years ago where the client abruptly stopped due to a change of employment right at the beginning of covid. She’s back on the schedule for an hour a week after 3 years absence. If you did good work in the first place, and they left because their situation changed when it betters again you find these clients looking you up.