Finger Knucle Electrolysis Treatment (pics)

If you expand the images “immediately after”, you will see that in each of the fingers a few hairs left without treatment. Does this was something casual or was intentional? the photos are so good that you can recognize the phase of these missing hairs, TELOGEN. Therefore: % of untreated hairs + % exogenous hairs (false regrowth) + % plucked hairs (true regrowth insured) = things could have been done better.

Still, it seems there will be a significant % reduction.

It was semi-intentional. She didn’t want to “over treat” the area, but eventually, yeah, I want all the hair gone. I’m not trying to keep hairs there.

Gorillagal, any updates? I had this area treated yesterday and would like to see how your progress is going.

This is 24 hours after treatment.

Hi thelight…er, sorry for the late reply. Looks like you got a more extensive clearing than I did.

I haven’t gotten any treatment since the one where my knuckles were treated.
Here’s how they look now.
This is my left hand (right hand is pretty much the same looking, just with a little more reduction on the ring finger). Right click “view image” to see a bigger picture




Gorrillagal one of the first people I did work on other than myself, was a transgirl who had extremely fine, and light hair and on of the areas she had me work, was on the knuckles.Knowing now what she had there, I never would have took it on as an amateur.Seeing what you have, I could have done a much better job on such nice dark and easy to identify hair. But in the end I did just fine, and managed to clear them.
I wont use thermolysis alone. Just not at that stage yet. So I used blend. But I can tell you that “piercing flesh” feeling is completely wrong. You know it, and I’m betting the electrologist did too . Before I treated this girl ( who by the way deliberately started with a few hairs she saw would be a challenge for me) I did a few on my own knuckles. I can completely attest that this is a very painful place to do electrolysis. But the hairs are no more difficult to eplate than ones on my arm, chin, or anywhere else.
You are doing EXACTLY the right thing by choosing someone else for this job. Now looking at the amount of regrowth,it’s normal, but I’m betting in 2 months you will wonder if you ever had treatment there. This is a case where the client knows a lousy job was done, and so too should the electrologist. The feeling alone, tells the tale.


Would it surprise you to know that even I prefer to use blend or galvanic on fingers?

At first, knuckles (or toes) do hurt. Once you get into this, say five or ten minutes, it is not so bad as things go nearly numb.

Doing blend on toes, low and slow, is a good strategy. On the knuckles, I choose thermolysis ( MultiPlex or Synchro even) and I have never had a client say, “Stop!”.

There may be some hyperpigmentation on some people. Expect it to happen, deal with it. It will fade on its own in a matter of weeks.

There will be new growth after the first clearance. Normal because hair grows in cycles! Clear it and wait for the next new group of hairs to peek through.