
hi had 16th 1 hour session on Saturday - Blend again on face lower sides of face area going down to neck and a few hairs from outer lip area. Actually she spent about 40 minutes on face and then moved onto my belly were she spent another 25 minutes. We used Thermolysis on belly though. I have the usual pin marks/scabs on my belly and no marks what so ever on my face from using blend. Not got full clearence on belly yet.

You are doing great. Healing reaction is typical. Keep investing time and effort, Leo.

Why not increase the time spent on the abdomen area so that you can get to that clearance faster? 1 hour on both of those areas is not that much time.

Yes I will do - but my therapist is on training this week so wont be back in now till late next week, but yes need to get to full clearance asap

Hi Leo I know I’m cluterring this excellent thread with my post but have just read your journey from start to now and wanted to thank you for an excellent detailed history of your treatment scabs and all. Of course input from the experts superb as usual.

Shame Rotherham is so far away!

Just want you to know “thereish” that your post is not viewed as clutter. Thank you’s and any other encouragement is always encouraged here! :grin:

(Oh, and on behalf of the pros and near pros here, Your Welcome)

Hi all thanks on your comments above and yes thereish glad to see my journey is helpful to you. Just an update really been two weeks since last session and quite a bit of hair come through especially on neck area. Had 17th one hour session on face only today. My therapist did Thermolysis on neck area as its quicker and dont mind if I get scabs(30 mins),and blend on sides of face (25 mins)and upper lip (5 mins) as it does not leave any scabs. Got loads removed. came home and had a good look at my face. Didnt get full clearence (but nearly)but have another session this coming monday so should full clearence then. I have just a few tiny scabs on under-neck area, otherwise no marks on face and lip. Loving the blend as its less painful but just slower.

had 18th one hour session on face again today. she did about 40 minutes on sides of face and 20 mins on neck area. sides of face was done with blend and neck/chin with thermolysis. Just had a good look in mirror. I can still see some hairs but finer ones with the odd few longer ones. NOT getting as many hairs removed now per hour as when I first started due to swopping to blend method. And my therapist doesnt like doing longer than one hour due to her back hurting. But I am booked in for this saturday and monday again. will let you know how I get on - good night :slight_smile:

I had my second session on belly today she managed to take most hairs but still think I need one more session to get the full clearence that I want. I had a one hour session today. Back in again on Wednesday for face area.

had 19th one hour electrolysis session on face on Wednesday. My therapist did 25 mins of blend on sides of face, 10 mins on upper and lower lip, and last 20 mins of Thermolysis on neck area. any obvious hairs were all gone in this session and more of fluff hair left which is hair I can live with. Not booked in now for another two weeks so will see how the re-growth is. Gosh I am going into my 7th month now. Sides of face are looking really good but this was the area she really concentrated on when I first started going back in January.

had 20th one hour session on face and neck. she did sides of face probably about 35 for both sides with blend and rest of time on neck area with Thermolysis. I have to say I cant feel any pulling on hair with Thermolysis but I can feel a slight tug on some hairs during blend; is this a bad sign? Should I tell her? All obvious hairs gone just some minor finer hairs left. although I could have done with 15 mins done on upper and lower lip will have to book in another session - this is starting to feel never ending although I know I am half way through this procedure!!! I am hoping by 9 months to see a great improvement. Going back next week for belly area.

Hi Leo I am treating the same areas but for only 3 1/2 months. Did you always use blend on your face? Did you used to pluck or have coarse hairs? Have you noticed any improvement yet? I think I have less coarse hairs now but I need more time to know for sure.

I always fine dowdy hair on sides of face thicker near sideburn area, upper lip and chin. So did laser on upper lip and middle of brow. Laser did a good job just leaving finer hair. so decided to get rid of dowdy hair on face but ended up with extra re-growth once I’d started the laser. Laser worked well on sideburns, eyebrow and upper hair everywhere else like sides of face and neck had induced hair, long dark hair. Yes I have noticed much improvement all course hairs seem to be gone but now I see the finer hairs and want perfection - I annoy myself as I always had dowdy hair on face anyway. But yes I have seen much improvement and I will carry on. I started with Thermolysis (not spelt correctly) to tackle the problem as its much quicker but it left lots of tiny scabs on my face where as now I am doing blend only because I am left with no marks what so ever, but still have Thermolysis on neck area as who is looking under my neck - the scabs dont bother me under my neck. How is your treatment going? I have been going 7 months on average now every two weeks, in the beginning every week. good luck

Scabs fall off within a week. It’s not something that’s permanent.

Scabbing doesn’t have to happen when working on the facial area, but if it does occur, the scabs should be pinpoint and fall off within a week. Body work is more likely to have unavoidable short term scabbing.

Leo, you spelled thermolysis corretly! Thermolysis is not equal to inevitable scabbing. This is related more to epilator used, skill and aftercare. Avoiding scabbing and pustules is one very good reason to use tea tree oil overnight as a part of your aftercare.

Did you do flash thermolysis? The flash stuff left me with pinpoint red scabs on my patch test, but they cleared up within a week.

I’m doing fine hairs too. I used to take care of them myself with threading, but I don’t want to do that anymore as it can induce hair growth. So I have to get electrologists to do it. But dark hair doesn’t look good against fair skin. Even if you can only see it up close, I find I look better without the hair.

I’m getting very close to clearing my face so hopefully I’ll be able to come in every 2 weeks instead of every week soon, but I want to do my neck too so those little guys can’t ever turn into a beard on me. Then there’s a bunch of other areas I want to work on to keep me busy for a long time. But not having to pluck half an hour every morning is a great thing. Even having to pluck my eyebrows annoys me now!

My therapist has tried everything to prevent any scabbing on face when I have thermolysis, but I still get those scabs and they do only last for a week, but its still nice to have blend and get no scabs, as I end up feeling consious of the scabs and thats why I have started going for blend on the face. anyway today I had 40 minutes of electrolysis with thermolysis on central area of belly (above belly button). got full clearence now there - although I am sure if I look closely I would find the odd hair. My belly is quite tender at the moment but I will use tea tree and aloe vera. I have that dowdy hair on the sides of my belly so will wait to see what grows back on the central area of my belly, as eventually I just want the hair on central belly just thinning out and not fully gone - I think my belly would look wierd with totally no hair there as I have that dowdy hair on the sides. The area I have treated today is about 2 inches either side of belly button (width) going all the way up to just where my bra is, so about 3 and half inches up. And I think I have had about 3 hours of work done on my belly. keep you posted on my progress. Go back in about two weeks for a top up on my face. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Flash thermolysis, when performed correctly, with the proper probe, should leave you scab free. Is she doing flash? What is the name of the epilator? Think skill, equipment used and type of vision aid used, rather than thermolysis verses blend. They both work, but maybe the person doing these modes needs to be re-trained in the delicate art of performing them well.


I CANT STAND to tweeze my brows either!
Letting them grow so i can wax them! I use to touch them up every day!!! I wonder why that is?

hi dee, not sure if its flash, but she is using the Apilus machine.