Electrolysis Warning and Recommendation

Dear Bono,

I just checked out your videos and the one of „dents&scars“ explains I think what happened here. Thanks for all that material!
My practitioner seemed qualified, she was slow and careful and my skin showed a fine reaction as well we only did one session.
Not sure if that means I’m just not a candidate for electrolysis, same thing also on my upper lip…or is there maybe a way of avoiding this? Do I have to stay with my never ending growing hair until after life? Wait it will still even grow then!
Would love to hear your thoughts more…give up on the hairfree dream or give it another but different shot?

Do you know if there is a way to get rid of these „Pockmarks“?

Hairy N

Damn, was thinking I try blend to avoid this. Didn’t want to give up on my hair free just yet.

You do not have to give up. And, it is NOT about modalities; at all. However, you have to avoid the “clear it all immediately” procedure, and take this with thoughtful deliberation … and careful consideration of “old school” techniques that were developed over the decades … and now largely arrogantly discounted.

Many colleagues disagree with me, but when I do my video (and now I have to because I opened my big mouth) … I adamantly oppose the drastic full clearances procedure on the upper lip that seem to be ubiquitous now.

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Yeah, I understand, I don’t need drastic full clearance, I’m very patient, she wanted to set the next appointment too soon after, and I asked for at least a month later, to be able to see results…and well that’s how long it took for the dents to show up,
As far I understand, blend and electrolysis aren’t really that different on the skin, maybe galvanic is, but what do I know.
I want to be a princess where someone real good just does it for me in the best and healthiest way they can, and I would be so thankful and do everything they say. I can’t do the job, someone has to do it for me, I’m too clueless, a photographer…I give everything to make the people look awesome and be happy with their picture, but it’s very different because if somehow something goes wrong, I can always retouch and smooth it out…
Thank you for your thoughts! I appreciate.

Hi @Bono I was wondering if I could ask about your comments around problems showing up years and months later here? You have previously responded to me around questions on blend method - thank you so much this was super helpful. I’m just wanting to understand what kind of problems can show up years later? And is there anything to look out for from the sessions that would indicate problems coming up years later? I see the poster earlier had one session and a typical post reaction so I’m a bit anxious considering my own use of electrolysis (as it has been similar reaction wise) as to should I also expect this type of skin issue in months or years to come? Or other skin issues?Many thanks for any information you can share on this :slight_smile:

I do very poorly trying to express myself in a few sentences. I’m more satisfied when I do a real presentation with research, footnotes, suggested reading, photos and a thorough explanation. I will eventually get “on the stick” and produce more videos …

Of course, can imagine there is a lot to document - I appreciate your reply as always and will keep a look out :slight_smile: thanks for all the videos you have currently shared I’ve found these very helpful in my journey so far!

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Thanks so much … that means a lot to me. You never really know if your work is having any impact, or if it’s being received well. I suppose I’m just “long-winded” … and, I know it! I even bore myself!

I wish someone could explain why I have been clearing lips and chins for 23 years on hundreds of clients and I have had no concerns about pitting and vertical lines? I don’t treat weekly. Full, clearance is done and we wait 6-10 weeks to do a second full clearance and this continues until the bottom of the barrel is reached in about 18 months. So I ask, could it be the waiting time? Is it my technique? Is it the probes I choose? Is it my equipment? Am I just lucky? I always ask my clients for feedback with pictures, their words, whatever. Are they scarring somewhere down the road and not telling me? I think they would contact me?

We can’t possibly know what another practitioner does in regard to a treatment to cause or not to cause long term side effects.
Thinking about this deeper, I am not getting feedback about any relationship between full clearance and skin problems down the road. That’s my experience and if people read this thread, they should be scared, so I advise them to stick to temporary hair removal methods and be comfortable with their ongoing hair problem and their naturally aging skin. People complain about pleats and pits even if they had electrolysis 20 years ago doing 15 minute appointments. Help me understand that?

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See, it’s not “all or nothing.” All of the depends on several factors and, eventually, I’ll do a video on the subject. Sometimes I “clear” and sometimes I do not … nobody should feel challenged or upset. Indeed, a few sentences here-and-there usually give the wrong impression.

He mith hope you doing good now …I’m in the same situation…I did electrolysis on my cheeks and only one cheek looks terrible when I laugh it is all wrinckled …fine lines … Iuntexture …are your wrinckles getting any better ? Hope I hear from you thanks .