Electrolysis recommendation for Southern Ontario/Giving back to this community

No update since Oct 2022!

Tx 26-33

My chin now has probably 5-7 hairs per side but where they crop up is sporadic. It is so liberating to not have to think about grooming/shaving/plucking every. single. day. After I go and get cleared there is two weeks until my next appointment. So I just monitor and trim the few hairs that remain until I feel they’re relatively not visible.

Some of the problem with this process has to do with confirmation bias, biases of thinking. When something bothers you and elicits an emotional response, you think about it, post about it, talk about it. But when things are going well you don’t tend to talk about it.

Now that I’m nearing the (sort of) end of this journey with my chin it’s hard to pin point exactly the moment that things really began to improve but I’d say it was about 1 year in. From that point on each new growth of hair started to deteriorate dramatically. I have to say my only regret is that I didn’t do this sooner. Big love to my tech she has for sure changed my everyday life! Feeling so happy and grateful to be alive in the 21st century.

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Tx 33+

No update since March 2023! Apologies.
Since last spring I’m now booking on a 3 week basis. Anywhere from 15 - 30 mins.
We’ve moved on to other areas that bother me (stomach, chest, arms). But I am still primarily going for my chin area. I’m happy to say there are 1-2 hairs there every 3 weeks. But there are ~ 6 hairs under my chin (below my jawline) that also show up like clockwork. This is really annoying and kind of discouraging bc it makes me feel like my electrolysis journey will go on forever… But at the end of the day, some ~20$ bucks per month to be hair free like 85% of the time… The value this has in my life is worth double a Netflix subscription monthly. SO I throw my hair back and take it in a stride. The some 60+ hairs I used to have on my chin are 99% GONE, and thank god for that. This practice is a miracle.
If you are discouraged, or have the same problem I did and want encouragement, please reach out to me. Godspeed girlies (and boys too).