I am so glad i’ve discovered this place. I am learning so much here which i otherwise wouldn’t because there isn’t too much information on electrolysis online. However, I wish there was a comprehensive post/article which could tell me how to judge an electrologist’s work on a number of areas: quality, speed, (other indicators). For example, I recently started getting my face done. I’ve had 5 hours of work done and 40% of my sideburns are cleared. I thought that was a pretty decent figure until i read some posts here which are making me think otherwise. Apparently with thermolysis, electrologists can do up to 20-30 hair per minute . I timed my electrologist and she averages 5 hairs a minute with thermolysis(she has an epilus unit). I am beginning to think that is very slow. My electrologist was recommended here and i really like her otherwise and find her very knowledgeable. She also listens to me and works with my skin. But at the rate she is going, i need 5 more hours of work to get full clearance of my sideburns. And because of the hair cycle, I am guessing another 10 hours (or am i just crazy). I get the sense that she takes this long because she spends a lot of time figuring out how to “scatter” the removal so it looks natural. Anyways, the point of my whole story is, I wish there were some baseline statistics posted in a comprehensive post that cover information such as the following:
- On average, how much hair can be removed in one minute using thermolysis. This is important since electrolysis is on an hourly basis.
- On average, how many sessions are needed to completely kill one hair follicle. For example if i get my bikini completely cleared of hair in one session (suppose all hair were out the skin surface), how many more such sessions would i need before the bikini would be free of hair.