Lagirl, I really, really feel so upset at how you come into this forum, and just spread your self-serving agenda. This is the Electrolysis forum. This is for people that know better. This forum is for people that don’t, or no longer, fall for scams. You have no place here pushing your agenda of Beauty Shop Science. You argue and carry on as if you’re on some crusade. I come to the Electrolysis forum because I have no wish to hear about the multi-million dollar scam that laser is.
I have posted the links you speak of. Am I just supposed to keep posting them over and over?
You come off incredibly obtuse. Go get a science book and read what a ‘nanometer’ is. Go read about wavelength.
You do consider yourself an expert because you go around recommending lasers and strengths to people you haven’t even seen in person. This is foolish and dangerous.
You post far, far too much to just be a casual person being treated by laser. There’s more to your involvement that I think you’re not letting onto.
By the way, You keep saying that I treated by inept operators. One was an operator that had years of experience, the other was the physician who owned and operated the clinic, the third was a technician that the owner recruited out of many applicants. You just don’t seem to understand, like others, I did my research. What is with you? You justr don’t seem to understand that laser is a half-baked science that has failed.
You target me because of my scientific background and that fact that I point out gross, blatant errors in your thinking.
You take a populist stand, trying to make your opinion and experience (?) seem like it’s the norm, and those in disagreement are wrong.
My ‘Shortcomings’? Umm. I really don’t know where to begin with this. I really think you should back up at this point.
Hmm. RJC, BRR …Okay, that’s two. Three including you. Have you counted how many have said their hair grew back? Go do that.
Face the facts. Laser is no longer considered anywhere near permanent. Sometimes it’s effects only last weeks, not even months!
Great fads in American History:
The Hula Hoop
The Mood Ring
The Pet Rock
Laser Hair ‘Removal’ …‘Look Ma, I’m shedding!’