Any cities nearby or you are willing to travel to here? You could get a lot accomplished with Johanne Fortier in Santa Ana at Dectro if you are willing to travel.
Any cities nearby or you are willing to travel to here? You could get a lot accomplished with Johanne Fortier in Santa Ana at Dectro if you are willing to travel.
I second the motion. Johanne would hook you up both with good hair removal, and with skin healing processes.
Not sure if this is something you would consider, but some of the cosmetic tatooed eyebrows look awesome, especially if you still have some natural eyebrows too. Of course these vary by the artist, some look amazing some look rediculous. Just an option if you need it.
San Francisco? Have you tried Lydia Justice? I think she’s nearby…
This is a very interesting topic as I had the same type of situation, but on my hairline instead. Some electrologists are extremely disrespectful.
Just a question: Can you only kill a follicle by electrolysis if it is in the Anagen/growth phase, or can you also kill it in the telogen/resting phase? The reason why I am asking is that according to the growth charts eyebrow hairs are 90% telogen and 10% Anagen so wouldn’t there be a good chance of regrowth?
The answer to your question is “Yes, and no.” Yes, follicles can be killed when in the other growth phases, if treated a certain way, but no, most electrologists don’t utilize that technique in order to reduce the pain involved in the process.
The regrowth question is actually not relevant as by definition, once the first clearance is done (which should be the first appointment) any hair that comes back is in growth phase. You need only stay on schedule and not allow the new growth to move into shedding phases before getting treated.
The 90% telogen figure only pertains to the effectiveness of the first clearance treatment. If one stays on schedule, the rest of the treatments would be 100% after that. Even if a person wanted to remove all hairs in this area, it could be done in one sitting each and every time.
Which technique would you be talking about James?
I think this poster had mentioned that Blend was used in order to remove her eyebrow hairs. Could a treatment with blend also kill hairs in the catagen and telogen phases? And if you only had 3-4 treatments in a month, theoretically what percentage of her eyebrow hair could her electrologist have killed off?
Since you’ve only had a month worth of treamtents, there is a good chance they’ll fill back in in another month or so. Give it a little time.
Dee, Santa Ana is in Southern California, 7 hour drive from SF.
Joannie who used to post here was in Hayward I believe, which is within an hour from SF.
Thanks everyone for your advice. I still have the pink pock mark scar over my eyebrow even though it’s been a month. I am trying to hope that since it’s still pink, it may still be healing. I am applying retin-a nightly to the overplucked areas and am seeing some regrowth on some of the areas, but I’ll have to see how it goes.
I went on another consult during Thanksgiving break, but now unfortunately it’s hard for me to make time for more for probably the next 2 weeks.
She has an Apilus and uses magnification that looks like regular eyeglasses with a 2nd lens. She was quite condescending and sarcastic. Obviously exasperated when I explained about my eyebrows and scar and suggested that I actually remove MORE eyebrow hairs. Her own eyebrows look heavily overplucked to me, so no wonder. Said that electrolysis is not as effective as laser, and that she thinks she only rarely kills a hair on the first try. When asked she didn’t want to give an estimate of time for completion (like most electrologists it seems), but finally said that she expects someone she’s been treating for 5 months to be done by the year mark. Charges $85 for 45 minutes.
I understand the geography part. As I said in my post, if one is willing to travel to someone good like Johanne Fortier, they are better off in the long run. Yes, some clients are willing to pop on a plane every six weeks to get good treatment and of course, some are not. It’s their call.
I’m not sure if Joanie Hook is practicing anymore. If anyone knows about her status, I would love to hear! We enjoyed her posts when she was a regular here.
Just adding my experience–I have had my eyebrows done with electrolysis and am almost complete. I don’t remember the last time I picked up a tweezers to get any stray hairs, unlike when I waxed. It is possible to get good results on brows!
Hey Ash.
Would you be able to post a picture of your outcome?
Sorry to butt in, I thought my pic might help here too.
I still get some fine hairs that I pluck very occasionally but I decided I didn’t want anymore electrolysis around my eyebrow area, as I’m happy with how they look overall.
Oh! NO! NO! NO! Please butt in anytime. These pictures are most beautiful and helpful! Shows what is highly possible with proper electrolysis care. Thank you stopit.
Thanks Dee,
I really wish other people can find an electrologist at least as good as mine. It’s slow progress with Blend and old tech but I don’t mind. I can see how far I’ve come since I started and my skin has never been effected past temporary redness.
[As a note. As you may be able to see, although I had work between the brow and the hairline, I left the upper side of the eyebrow more or less alone. I believe it’s important if you want to keep the natural structure. My women of my ethnicity (Indian subcontinent) wax/thread the top too. I would be very careful of that and perhaps work on the underside first.]
But even then, I was not ready to jump in with brows. It took me a while to build up the confidence and even then I would point out the hairs and we’d just deal with a few at a time. She was accommodating and it’s worked out; that’s what matters the most.
Would love to see your pics too, Ash.
hey candela,
someone i know was using this product on her eyelashes and has seen a remarkable improvement in growth. i did a search for it and came across this article too… seems it helped growth on over plucked eyebrows too.
maybe think about giving it a try?
This stuff really works. It is amazing! Be careful though if you have blue or green eyes because it can darken the iris if it gets in your eye. This is permanent. This all started with a drug used for glaucoma called Lumigan. Patients noticed their eyelashes were getting longer and thus Latisse was born! Other potential side effects with Latisse may be seen, such as darkening of eyelid skin (this may be reversible once stopped).
A good price is about $90 for a tube.
I just logged in again to say pretty much what Dee has said as I did some more searching for reviews and side effects.
So anyone thinking of trying it should do their research. I think one would just need to be careful of not getting in the eye but I think that can be avoided. The other thing to avoid is letting it get on the face since it can cause hair growth but for the eyebrows that’s exactly what you’d be after
Dee, I have to ask you about the Santa Ana electrologist you mentioned… I’ve been waiting for a recommendation for an electrologist within driving distance of me for a very long time, and I’m really excited that there’s an apparently talented woman so close to me!
I was wondering if you have an idea of her price per hour (just a ball park, it’s embarrassing making calls and ask, only to have to explain that you won’t be needing the consult after all because you can’t afford $100 per hour). I sent her an email as well, but you might have a faster response.
Is she fast? Is she nice?
She is fast. She is very nice!
I do not know her price structure. I assume that she will not be cheap, but you will get the very best. Permanent hair removal is forever and there aren’t that many investments that last forever.
Say hello to Johanne for me if you decide to see her. Do not be afraid to ask price questions either! It is up to you to decide what your priorities are after weighing many things.