Back Hair, Upper Arm Hair, and Ear Dust

My upper arm and chest hair shedding occurred from 1.5 to 3 weeks after the 1st laser session. I actually pulled most of them out myself with tweezers as they came out very easily during this time period. Obviously, I couldn’t pull out the shedding back hairs, so I scrubbed my back with a back brush daily from 1 to 3 weeks after the 1st laser sesion. I recently (March 16, 2006)had a 2nd electrolysis session on my ear hairs. The 1st treatment reduced the ear hairs by about 40%, so not as successful as other areas (the electrolyzed areas on my back appear to be 80% reduced), but nonetheless I’m still content. I also just had my free touch-up laser treatment today (March 25, 2006) and, overall, I think most of the dark back hairs are gone (80% reduced) as all I’ve primarly seen so far re-grow are some blonde thin hairs in the areas of laser treatment, which isn’t bothersome to me. The dark upper arm hairs, on the other hand, appear to be reduced 60% and 40% re-grew as light brown stubble, which was lasered again today in the touch-up session. My next appointment is in one month for a 3rd electrolysis session of the ear hairs, if needed, and to evaluate if further laser treatment or electrolysis is needed on the back or upper arms.

with both laser and electrolysis, you should expect to get at least several more treatments as only the hairs that were in the growth stage were affected for now. as the dormant hair becomes active, you should see it surface, which is when you’ll need more treatments.

I haven’t posted for a while since I had to undergo more treatments. To summarize where I’m at:

Ear Dust = 5 electrolysis sessions ($25/session)
–So far, 90% reduction left ear and 60% reduction right ear.

Back Hair/Upper Arms = 1 electrolysis session ($25)
= 2 Gentlase session
($250 1st session at 15 mm and 30 J)
($250 2nd session at 8 mm and 40 J)
–After the 1st session, 60% reduction upper arms, 30% reduction back.
–After the 2nd session, 80% reduction upper arms and 70% reduction back.
–Will do electrolysis the rest of the way now.

Underarm = 1st Gentlase session ($200 at 12 mm and 35 J)
–75% reduction

Chest/Stomach = 1st Gentlase session($450 at 15 mm and 30 J)
–Just had today (Saturday, 6-25-06)

Overall, the Alexandrite laser treatments are working, but some parts of my body respond much better than others, particular my underarm and my upper arm or shoulders. Also, electrolysis works very well, but on ear hairs it isn’t as successful as other body locations, probably because the hair follicle isn’t straight or comes are difficult angles in the ear.

i would recommend to do at least 4-5 laser treatments before switching to electrolysis. you should give laser a chance to target hairs through all hair growth stages before switching if you want to gain the best results from laser. also, $200 for underarms is a bit steep i think. where are you located?

I am around the Palm Beach, Florida area. More specifically, Palm Beach Gardens.

is that near St Augustine? there is a good clinic there. But you can also find many others using links in the FAQs (check the last question)