Back hair case - Electrolysis

Hi Michael,

Just wondering, in the first clearance of the above chap, did you remove ALL the hairs whilst working? Or were some left behind because they were on the small/finer side to see once the skin starts swelling and/or because you would rather catch them in the next clearance than risk overtreating an area?

To tell you the truth, I don’t exactly remember.

But I think you are right because the second clearance took longer than I had anticipated. During number 2, I got down and removed the more tiny hairs (and there were billions of them).

The smaller hairs were “shooters” in that I could see they were going to grow to full terminal size eventually. Still, with most body hair I find that I can clear off everything with no problem: the hairs are spaced further apart than on the face.

Then again (as they say in “Pennsylvania Dutch,”): "I’m not as good as I used to was … "

Also: Coming back too soon!

If your “zapper” is following the “Clear & Wait” strategy (basically three clearances), it’s better to come in “too late” than “too early.”

The photo below is the “before photo” and after the second clearance. The client came in about 6-weeks too early. You can see mostly anagen hairs … and for me, that’s NOT a good thing. I want to see tons of hairs in telogen, and then I know I have the maximum amount of returning hairs.

This person could only come at this time (from Europe), so we made the appointment. Overall, it’s better to wait longer than to come in too early … at least for the “Clear & Wait” strategy. “Bigger bang for the buck.”