I had my free consultation today. The woman explained me some of the things about the treatments. She’s very experienced, almost 10 years in the business. We did a small test patch. It is quite painfull actually, but yeah it’s normal because the hair is being killed I guess. So yes it’s hella painfull but I think I can take it with some small breaks during the treatment(atleast some seconds). Afterwards I was a bit overwhelmed by the whole thing ha:). So I kinda forgot what she was saying about the spot size and all of that. There’s a small one and a big one on the Lightsheer Diode Laser. She said both work but what is best for my hands?
Anyway she did one finger and a part of my hand. They’re red now and there’s those dots from the burned hairs. They feel fine now though.
Only thing is it seems pricy. It’s 140 euros per treatment(she mayybe could lower it to 120)for all fingers and hands up to the wrists. That would nearly end up at 1000 bucks after I’m all done.