10 treatments/terrible results


Just wondering if you have heard of luminex?? they use a square intense pulse light laser - i am not sure what the difference is between that and intense pulse light (which is what was used previously)… having had such great results on my legs/underarms and bikini i made the mistake of trying my face am now suffering the negative results ( i too was tol dthat it cannot make the growth any worse - and they still swear by it!)- electrolysis had been working on my face over the years and now I have not only undone it all but growing darker, thicker hairs mainly on my neck…for some reason when i tried treating them with electrolysis the marks were much more obvious even though we used a lighter current as the skin is much thinner in that area, also as they were growing back so quickly, i could not wait more than two weeks in between treatments which meant that my skin wasn’t getting enoug healing time in between.

I am going to give luminex a go in the hope that it may now reduce the dark hairs as they are darker (if that makes any sense) - but if uve heard anything about this type of laser, i’d appreciate your comments - i am in Australia so not sure if this is also available overseas - the website is www.luminex.com.au - any thoughts would be much appreciated…

This product is just another Intense Pulsed Light machine. I notice that even their ad copy only says that it is superior to waxing and shaving. At least it designates electrolysis as superior in result, and only knocks the potential time needed to get to completion.

The FDA clearances say that it is essentially no different from the machines that came before, although their marketing must say different.

If you are looking for something to reduce visible hair, this might be ok for you. But if you want all the hair gone and never to return, you know what to do.

I’ve been reading this thread for a while. I practice laser hair removal, and have to say something. The reason that nobody is getting the results they want from laser hair removal, in my opinion, is that most centers have their clients treat too close together. The place I work has set up schedules based on hair growth, to ensure that the most amount of hairs possible are in the growing phase at one time. We have some areas treat as long as 3-4 months apart. We get VERY good results with 5 treatments. Now, our clients need to treat for over a year sometimes, but the 1 year post treatment clearance rate is consistently in the 80% range. If anyone is going in sooner than that, then only a smaller percentage of the hair is going to be actively growing (and thus able to be permanently disabled).
Again, this is just my opinion, based on the success my clients have had. The downside is the wait between treatments. But trust me (and I respect this forum too much to BS anyone here) I honestly believe that the way we do it is the only way to go.
And I also firmly believe that for fine or light hairs, electrolysis is the only way to go.
So anyway, I am truly sorry to hear about your problems with hair removal. I am working right now on ridding my face of my 'stash, and KNOW I have a nice beard coming in when I get older…You can bet that I’ll be monitoring this forum for tips.

Hi Elfaygobaca:

That is interesting.

My treatments were about 6 weeks apart with Lightsheer Laser.

What kind of machine do you use and how effective is it on male facial hair of average to above average density?

Thanks, Alicia

I agree that truth in advertising would go a long way in avoiding these arguments, but the business reality is that if an office only performs either electrolysis or laser hair removal, the tendency is to “badmouth” the competition. A good example is Ford dealers don’t always say nice things about Chrysler automobiles and vice versa. We perform both electrolysis and IPL in our office and are very thorough during the consultation in explaining the pros, cons, benefits, and detriments of both procedures and let the client decide what is best for them. As they say, an educated consumer is our best customer.

We use the Cynosure line-either their alexandrite, or their Yag, depending on skin color. Actually, the clearance rate for male facial hair is the same as elsewhere. I just did a second treatment on a gentleman’s neck and chin, and he had about 40% clearance from the first treatment. Now, this may not prove to be the case in the long run (you know, a year+ later), but I honestly expect at least 75% when all the treatments are over. He used the alex, by the way. I’ve found that the coarser the hair, the better. So, average to above average is perfect for optimal results.