Just wondering if you have heard of luminex?? they use a square intense pulse light laser - i am not sure what the difference is between that and intense pulse light (which is what was used previously)… having had such great results on my legs/underarms and bikini i made the mistake of trying my face am now suffering the negative results ( i too was tol dthat it cannot make the growth any worse - and they still swear by it!)- electrolysis had been working on my face over the years and now I have not only undone it all but growing darker, thicker hairs mainly on my neck…for some reason when i tried treating them with electrolysis the marks were much more obvious even though we used a lighter current as the skin is much thinner in that area, also as they were growing back so quickly, i could not wait more than two weeks in between treatments which meant that my skin wasn’t getting enoug healing time in between.
I am going to give luminex a go in the hope that it may now reduce the dark hairs as they are darker (if that makes any sense) - but if uve heard anything about this type of laser, i’d appreciate your comments - i am in Australia so not sure if this is also available overseas - the website is www.luminex.com.au - any thoughts would be much appreciated…